funny funny

Sep 07, 2004 20:37

cheap romance e: you be bitchhen yo
bloodylove38: psh you've got me straight trippen boo
cheap romance e: yo yo back that ass up
bloodylove38: i like it liek that
bloodylove38: she workin dat back
bloodylove38: i dunno howda act
bloodylove38: slow motion for meh
cheap romance e: slow motion fo me
bloodylove38: i think im black
bloodylove38: at heart
cheap romance e: you are
bloodylove38: i saw my dog digging a bone today
bloodylove38: he thought no one was looking.. but he had no idea
bloodylove38: im a stalker4L
cheap romance e: hahahahahaha
bloodylove38: then i was playing tag/hide-and-go-seek with my grandma's dog.. and i was running from her and RIGHT into a fucking door
cheap romance e: hahahahahahahha
bloodylove38: ive had many interesting occasions with dogs today
cheap romance e: if im just bad news
cheap romance e: than you a liiiiar
bloodylove38: lyke omfg is that like taking back sunday for lifers???
cheap romance e: omg like totalllly
bloodylove38: holy shit today i had the best idea ever
bloodylove38: i was gonna mate a fly and a lady bug
cheap romance e: hahahhhahah
bloodylove38: but then i killed the fly by accident
cheap romance e: you whore!
bloodylove38: he drowned in my tanning oil in my belly button
bloodylove38: hahahaha
cheap romance e: beeeaaatt
bloodylove38: hahaha no
bloodylove38: it was sad
bloodylove38: but
bloodylove38: funny
bloodylove38: i was so gonna make a fly bug
bloodylove38: or lady fly
cheap romance e: it would make a vandersmekal
bloodylove38: and name him denver
bloodylove38: you know what totally sucks donkey dick

yes my two best friends shannon and jackie

(annie and carissa showing pics of hott boys and girls)

WishFuLthinKin75: just look at this beauty
WishFuLthinKin75: i would lesbian for her...

WishFuLthinKin75: she does it to me too

my love annie:) best girlfriend ever, haha mwah!

school sucks
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