May 21, 2008 16:40
I hate my body and my body hates me. It doesn't handle stress well. I don't understand it. I do know that if I am stressed whatsoever though, I get sick. What kind of life am I going to live if my body doesn't accept stress? I was home for what, 3 weeks? And I don't get sick. But practically the moment I go to Rowan to take this class, I get sick... and I don't mean I have the sniffles, I mean full blown vomiting. Yes, I know you didn't want the details, but I had to be clear. I'm not that big of a baby - I wouldn't whine about a cold, unless it was endless. I just want to take this class, get an A, and move on with my Summer. I want Steve to be home and to have fun and just be happy. Not to say I'm not enjoying myself here, because I am having a good time and I really like the people I have met, and it's definitely a good experience. I just want to be home with the people I love.
Things to look forward to in the upcoming months:
1. Steve visiting Rowan for a night.
2. DASA Retreat June 6th - 8th.
3. Sporadically attending camp from June 15th to 21st.
4. Chris and Jill's Wedding on the 20th - seeing Bryna and Sariah(spelling?)
5. Angela coming to OC for a week.
6. Sam and friends coming to visit - perhaps on the 28th of June?
7. Erica coming down for a bit in the beginning of July!
8. Moving to my dad's new place on July 1st or there abouts.
9. Steve coming home for 4th of July...
-Barbecue at Steve's for his Dad's birthday
-Barbecue at Mom-Mom and Pop-Pop's in celebration of remission for Pop-Pop (hopefully)
10. Steve coming home the 11th or 12th of July for good :)
11. Kate's 25th Birthday on July 28th!
12. Kev's 1st birthday on the 29th!
13. Sara Bareilles concert on the 9th of August and hopefully Carolyn visiting?!
14. Fischer's birthday on the 16th of August!
15. And an ongoing project of helping plan my mom's wedding for November 8th!
I think that's a good amount of things to look forward to. Should help keep me motivated to do well in this class and get through it.
Also did I tell you that Steve is the most amazing boyfriend in the whole world? For countless reasons of course... but he recently just bought me an iPod touch! And it's so cool and fun and I love it. It's very useful. It has a iCal on it so I can keep myself organized. And it has wifi ability so I can go online with it at work or where ever. It has a pseudo gps application that I can get directions with. And a gazillion other things... and of course - music, videos and photos. I love it... I love him more so :)
Okay I'm done... time to go do some homework and stuff.
American Idol tonight! (I know, guilty pleasure)
And my roommate is planning on making quesadillas... she's dominican and I love her, she's so cute. In fact I love most all of my suite-mates. There is Tonya and Sondria who are both awesome. There are two other girls... but we don't get along with them so much... more that they don't like me now because I hang out with the other girls who they don't like. So cool - ignored by association. But it's okay, I'm not their biggest fan anyway.
All right seriously. Goodbye! :)