(no subject)

Apr 23, 2005 12:39

01. what is your name: Anna
02. d.o.b. : 4-8-92
003. male or female: Female
004. whats your sign: Aries
005. Nicknames: AnnaBananna...B-nana...naynay..
006. Occupation: student
007. height: fck if i know
009. hair color: Brownish
010. eye color: Blueish
011. where did u last live: here
012. where do u live now: here
013. braces: no
014. pets: none
015. piercings: ears
016. tatto's: Nope
018. righty or lefty: Right
019. contacts/glasses: glasses


020. wearing: Blue Jeans, hoodie
021. eating: nothing
022. drinking: nothing
023. thinking about: kyle
024. wondering why: everything is so fcked up
025. wondering if: if i say something will he break it off
026. feeling(mood): shitty...as always
027. hearing: Taking Back Sunday , This Photograph is proof (i kno u kno)
028. doing: this gay quiz
029. crush: kyllllllleeee
030. <3: friends..family

...Friends stuff...
which one of your CLOSE friends is the...
031. craziest: Brandeedeedeedee..lmao ben k and b
032. loudest: me.. lol
033. nicest: Steph
034. bitchiest: brandee..lol ly b
035. Life of the party: nathan
036. prep: lauren and chels lol
037. skater: kayleigh i guess lol
038. ghetto: bubba, khamari, tyler
039. rebel: all of them lol
040. coolest: every single one
041. one best friend of the same sex: Kayleigh.
042. rudest: not saying ...
043. most shy: john short until u get to know him
044. dumbest/naive(est): i dont know thats gay
045. smartest: my friends arent smart. no jk mary i guess
046. weirdest: kayleigh..shes fcking awesome lol
047. has the best hair: brandee
048. best personality: oh god kyle! and kayleigh and nathan
049. most talented: andrew cuz hes awesome and he plays bass
050. annoying: my friends arent annoying..i love them
051. drama queen: brandeee lol
052. most likely to be part of a gang: khamari..lol
053. best advice giver: Kayleigh
054. funniest: kyle
055. druggie: bub, khamari, abbie
056. Have you lost touch with a good friend recently: Yes.
057. person you've been friends with the longest: meg and j and katie
058. how many people do u have on your buddy list: 194

...Love and relations...
059. have you ever been in love: yes
060. how many people have you said "i love you" to and meant it: 2 guys, all my friends
061. how many people have you kissed: a lot lol
062. have u ever gone farther than kissing with someone of the same sex: NO
063. what do you look for in a guy/girl :  Personality, Looks, Smile,  Eyes, clothes
064. whats the first thing u notice about the opposite sex: Smile
065. what type of girl/guy do u usually go for: Nice, funny, hot
066. do you have a crush/relationship right now: Yes
067. if so who is it: kyle hess..
068. do u believe in love at first sight: Yes
069. do you remember your first boyfriend/girlfriend: Yes
070. who was the first person you kissed: chad lol
071. do you believe in fate: Yes
072. do you believe in soul mates: Yes
073. if so, do u believe youll ever find yours: i hope

...Family stuff...

074. do you have a drunk uncle: i think so lol
075. does someone in your family wear a toupee or wig: No
076. does your family embarass you: all the time but on purpose lol
077. did some of your family come to america from another country: italy
078. do you have step parents: no
079. do you have any neices or nephews: No
080. what are your parents named: Micheal and Sandy
081. have many siblings do you have: 1 brother
082. does all your family live in the same state: no
083. if not, where do they live: arizona, chicago, boston
084. are your parents divorced: Yep
085. what are your siblings named: Al
086. how many siblings does your mom have: 3
087. how many sibiling does your dad have: 9

...music stuff...
088. what song do you swear waS written about you or your life: any avril lavigne song or tbs song
089. whats the most embarassing cd you own: nsync lol
090. what song do you absolutely hate: a lot of country
091: do you sing in the shower: sometimes
092: what songs remind you of that special someone: every song ever because i never stop thinking about him


093. color : pink
094. movie : 10 things i hate about u
095. food : pizza
096. drink : water
097. show : Boy Meets World, degrassi
098. pair of shoes: my pink etnies
099. outfit: i dont care about my clothes
100. radio station: 89x
101. school subject: Math
102. song: tbs or mcr or the used
103. celebrity: ashton
104. holiday: Christmas
105. day of the week: Friday, Saturday
106. season: summer
107. perfume: amor amor
108. clothing store: pac sun
109. sports to watch: basketball
110. thing to do on weekened: friends, wca, movies, mall

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