Padecer no paraíso

May 11, 2008 20:15

Now, I just need to see her with the three of them to be sure she just has 2 arms.
And I’m starting to think that woman does not have a babysitter for her kids. I have seen billions of candid photos and it’s always just her or her and the husband. If that’s the case, that is so… bizarre! I thought nannies came with the placenta these days! ;-)


Last night I dreamed that I was downloading House on Tuesday. No, I was not watching it, I was downloading it! I’m so looking forward to the next episode that I’m actually dreaming about its anticipation.
And I don’t mean to brag about it (perhaps then I should stop bringing it up every single time I talk about it lol) but I totally had a premonition about the strip pole when Lisa’s new photoshoot reminded me of that White Stripes’ clip with Kate Moss!


I understand how fandom rivalry can be passionate but it is unacceptable that people suppress basic rules of respect. The episode has not even aired yet and, apparently, people are already talking awful things. And worse, awful things about Lisa! Not criticizing her acting abilities but attacking her as a person! Putting sentences together with words such as “disgusting” and “age” (I’m not even repeating the whole thing ‘cause I’ll feel like punching the computer) to criticize the poll dance thing.
Fandom is a subject choice, it’s true, and most of the time it plays an abstract role in our lives, not having much of a pragmatic effect, but it does not mean you are excused to act as a jerk! Politeness and good manners apply here too!

Plus, in what world do we live in? Sexuality/sensuality ends at 40? Poll dancing is a sin? Are we in 1920 or something? Let me meet Virginia Woolf, then, at least I’d have something good out of this time of darkness and conservativeness!


I should have ended this entry with the mother’s day thing because now I’m mad! It’s like in the news, they start with stories about war, death, hunger, blind kids, sick kids and end talking about a little bear in Germany or something so viewers can be happy again. If it was the other way around, people would probably not go back to watch the news the day after.

Let's end with a happy thought, then... Puppies! Kittens! Chocolate! Huddy! Sex! Sex! SEX, SEX, SEX! HuddySex! Huddy-Sex-Covered-in-Chocolate-with-puppies-and-kittens-watching!
Wow, *that* must be a sin! lol
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