(no subject)

Jan 20, 2005 18:14

Stolen from Jennifer's Xanga so hang with me.

100 Random things about me:
  1. I like the rain.
  2. I L.O.V.E the summer.
  3. I need a tan. *workin' on it*
  4. I'm addicted to livejournal.
  5. Making out under a pool table can actually be romantic.
  6. I was in love once...
  7. I have a halfbroken heart.
  8. I have the greatest friends
  9. Number 9 was halfway sarcastic.
  10. Danny shaved his head.
  11. And randy.
  12. And brandon.
  13. And bryce.
  14. Geeze guys are retarded.
  15. I like talking on the phone at 3 A.M.
  16. I miss late night calls because he forgot to say "I love you."
  17. I miss him. Period.
  18. I hate drama.
  19. I love wrestling.
  20. I'm ready for my game tomorrow.
  21. I don't know what I'd do without my girls.
  22. I've watched 2 Fast 2 Furious 17 times in 14 days.
  23. I don't like World Geography.
  24. I don't like Ms. Blalock.
  25. I really don't like Ms. Blalock.
  26. I've only seen 4 minutes of Napoleon Dynamite, but I know every line.
  27. I want to be in the Airforce.
  28. Mm Hm. A fighter Pilot.
  29. I like basketball.
  30. I love volleyball.
  31. I L.O.V.E softball.
  32. I hate liars.
  33. I miss his kiss.
  34. He has no idea.
  35. We'll be back together.
  36. Maybe not.
  37. My best friend might run away.
  38. I'm staying here.
  39. I wont be stuck here for the rest of my life though.
  40. I'm moving out a week after graduation.
  41. I want to get married on 4th of July.
  42. My back hurts.
  43. I hate running.
  44. I love winning.
  45. I cant wait until tomorrow.
  46. My head hurts.
  47. I just took a shower.
  48. I love the feeling right after you shave your legs.
  49. I want a good boyfriend.
  50. I'm halfway done.
  51. I want what I used to have.
  52. I miss going to the movies just to pass the time.
  53. I miss the way you used to hold me.
  54. I still hear your whispers in my ear.
  55. I hate crowds.
  56. I'm ticklish.
  57. I'm bored.
  58. I love the summertime.
  59. I'm going on a cruise during SpRiNg BrEaK.
  60. I hate Romeo and Juliet.
  61. I get depressed easily.
  62. I need a good friend.
  63. I just need help.
  64. He used to kiss my forehead.  I miss that.
  65. Saturday is going to kick butt.
  66. I wish for one more day with you everynight.
  67. I just want to make things right.
  68. I want to go stay with my sister soon.
  69. I get lonely at night.
  70. I'm an insomniac.
  71. I was addicted to Nyquil/Dayquil.
  72. I dream of you.
  73. I'm so stupid.
  74. I screw everything up.
  75. I'm not very good at hiding things.
  76. I hate September 5th.
  77. I loved April 17th.
  78. Damn, I screwed that up too.
  79. I have a way with pissing people off.
  80. The past year of my life has been perfect...
  81. Perfectly wrong.
  82. Everytime I get something good, I push it away.
  83. I'm addicted to my shampoo.
  84. I cry a lot.
  85. I think too much.
  86. I can be really bitchy.
  87. I still miss him.
  88. People use me like a doormat.
  89. I wish they wouldn't.
  90. I'm very apathetic sometimes.
  91. I freestyle with Lo and Chels all the time.
  92. We're badasses.
  93. Jennifer's my baby.
  94. I like dancing...
  95. In the rain.
  96. I feel ugly.
  97. I'm addicted to lipgloss.
  98. I hardly ever wear makeup.
  99. I'm still bored.

Well I guess that's all. I'm still bored but someone just called and I guess I better go call them back. Much love.

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