Aug 01, 2006 22:35
Hello, my name is Anna, i am 17 years old. Sometimes i feel like 75, somtimes i feel like 5 and sometimes i.. feel like 17.
I spend my days by thinking to much, sitting by the computer searching for a world better then the one outside and searching for friends better then the ones i already have.
My favorite drink is Coca Cola, if i drink to much when i am tired i get all wierd and act like i am drunk. People say i might be addicted to it but i say NO, though i might be.
I write in alot of books, journals and make alot of movies, pictures and want to show it to as many people as possible, to make them feel something, to touch their hearts, their souls.. And to be remembered.
My wors fear is the grudge, the woman from that japanese movie. I know she doesn't exsist, i am not afraid of the actress, i am afraid of my own mind and what tricks it may play on me.
I have a boyfriend, i love him. I am in Love with him.
But i get a little in love with every boy that shows interest in me anc act nicely towards me.
I am in love with OX, the basplayer in the band Lordi.
I know that it's just a fan love, like being in love with and actor.
But it still feels real, very real.
Accept me for this, and we might become friends.
If you are currently thinking ''what a stupid moron, who does she think she is?''
You shouldn't cpntinue reading my blog.