Okay, I always feel like a bitch for doing this, but I figured... Since there are some people on my flist on whose entries I never comment and whom I also don't really follow, I admit >_> it might make sense to cut them.
So, here we go.
gasmaskbanditjaypallasmo0nlightshadowpriyalovesmyvsuiiuris I don't feel like I really know any of you very well and since we don't have that much contact anyway, I'm gonna take you off my list. If, for whatever reason, you should feel the urge to keep on reading my LJ, feel free to protest. :)
dead_appledokkun I'm taking it these LJs are not being updated anymore, so I'm cutting them, too... even though I like you two, but well... guess contact's kinda lost. :(
Hope none of you are mad at me for this... But it's not like I've been a very active LJ friend anyway. .____. Wish you guys all the best! ♥
Also, since you all have new LJs now, I'm gonna get rid of:
niikura_ryoujyokuviolet_banana:D And this is it.