say you won't care

Jul 06, 2004 21:39

[n a m e ] : stephanie
[ birthday ] : sept 19 1988
[ loc ] : manalapan
[ height ] : 5'6
[ siblings ] : a brother and a sister
[ pets ] : 2 cats
[ eye color ] : bluish green
[ hair color ] : blonde
[ best feature ]: you tell me
[ artistic? ]: i can draw pretty houses with a fence and family
[ boyfriend/girlfriend now ] : nope
[ color of your room]: purple
[ what were u doing 15 mins ago ]: sleeping
[ u smoke ] : yes
[ u drink ] : yes :-D
[ u shy or outgoing ]: a mix of both
[ had fun this summer ]: having a spectacular time so far
[ feature you notice first ] : hair
[ looks/personality ] : personaility
[ piercings ] : 8
[ tan or fair ] : fairr
[ age difference limit ] : 15-23
[ smart/dumb ] : i think im smart
[ funny/serious ]: a mix of both

[m o r e a b o u t m e]

[ chocolate milk, or hot chocolate ] : chocolate milk
[ mcdonalds or burger king ] : mcdonalds
[ coke or pepsi ] : pepsayy
[ would you wanna marry your best friend, or the perfect lover ]: my perfect lover would be my best friend
[ tea/coffee/cappuccino ] : coffee
[ cats or dogs ] : dogs
[ milk, dark, or white chocolate? ] : milk
[ sunny or rainy ] : sunny, but i like the hardcore thunderstorms
[ summer/spring ] : summer
[ do ya like rock, punk, rap, r & b, alternative, techno, pop..etc ] : err i dont dig r&b rap or pop or country
[ bunk or water bed ] : a bunk water bed

[r e l a t i o n s]

[ Best friend(s) ] : caitlin heather megan
[ Friends that you look like ] : a lot of people say me and heath look alike
[ Who you go to for advice the most ] : one of my 3 bestest friends
[ should talk to more ] : ppl that i used to b friends with but rnt anymore
[ skinniest ] : megan
[ funniest ] : all of them make me want to pee my pants
[ nicest ] : they all can be biatches
[ shortest ] : heather
[ tallest ] : caitlin
[ changed your life the most ] : caitlin

[f a v e s]

[ color ] : orange
[ movie ] : old school and many others
[ subject ] : lunch
[ ocean or pool ] : ocean
[ laugh or cry ] : laugh
[ silver or gold ] : silver
[ diamonds or pearls ] : diamonds
[ sunset or sunrise ] : sunrise
[ showers or baths ] : baths
[ food ] : cheese tacos and much more
[ snack ]: cheese doodles puffed
[ board game ] : monopoly
[ all-time song ] : the best deceptions
[ current song ] : tbs - set phasers to sun
[ rap song ] : uhh err beastie boys
[ holiday ] : christmas
[ movie star ] : shia labeouf
[ magazine ] : maxim
[ tv show ] : THE OC, comedy central
[ Disney character ] : louis stevens
[ animal ] : giraffe, i have this dream to run through the jungle on a giraffe
[ drink ] : beer
[ cologne ]: dolce and gabbana or something
[ brand of sneaker ] : puma
[ activity ] : drinking with my pals, going to the beach
[ fruit ] : green apples
[ juice ] : orange juice

[d o y o u ..?]

[ do you like school ] : ehh its aritee
[ do you like to talk on the phone ] : yeah
[ do you have your own phone line ] : no
[ do you like to dance ] : i like to pretend i know how to mosh in my room

[l a s t t i m e y o u ..]

[ last time u showered ]: yesterday
[ went runnin ] : i dont run
[ worked out ] : im not an excercising kind of girl
[ danced like a frickin idiot ] : 4 minutes ago
[ went to a movie ] : yesterday
[ talked on the phone ] : i just got off the phone with jay
[ wished u were sumbody else ] : i wish i was spiderman

[r a n d o m]

[ where would you love to travel to? ] : africa
[ whats ur middle name? ] : RUTH
[ is ur hair color natural? ]: nope
[ do u have a cell phone? ] : yes
[ whats ur online screen name ] : oobabiitzsteph
[ what do u want to do with your life? ] : be happy :)
[ last time u went to the doctor ] : i dont remember
[ do u have a credit card ] : no
[ do u consider urself a "nice" person ] : yes im a very nice girl
[ last book ]: the fifth gossip girl
[ are u stressed out? ] : not really
[ do u believe in angels? ] : yeah
[ what are u driving now? ] : i dont drive
[ u help pay for it? ] : uhh
[ do you think your spoiled? ] : yeah sometimes
[ do u like mustard? ] : yeah
[ have u seen the exorcist? ] : nope
[ how bout dumb & dumber? ] : yeah duh
[ ever been skydiving? ] : not yet
[ number of piercings ] : 8

Slept in your bed: me
Made you cry: i dunno
You shared a drink with: megan
You went to the movies with: heather
You went to the mall with: momma
Yelled at you: mom
Said they were going to kill you: heather.. i think she was kidding


Said "I love you" and meant it? yes
Gotten in a fight: yes
Been to New York? yes <3
Been to Florida? yes
California? no
Hawaii? no
Mexico? no
China? no
Canada? no
Danced naked? yeah
had a really bad feeling about something then it happened? yeah- weirrrd
Wish you were the opposite sex? nope
Had an imaginary friend? yeah
red or blue? i eat blue popsicles
Spring or Fall? spring
Santa or Rudolph? santa
Math or English? english
What are you going to do after you finish this survey: eat
What was the last food you ate? captain crunch cereal
High school or college? high school
Are you bored? yeah totally
last movie you saw? the notebook .. amazing flick <3
Last noise you heard? the sprinklers outside
Things you like in a boy : they gotta make me laugh a lot
Do you have a crush on someone? yeah :-X
Do they know? im not sure
What's his name? its a secret
What's on your mouse pad? a cow
Favorite board game? monopoly
Favorite magazine? maxim
Worst feeling in the world? going home to know thats ur gonna get yelled at by your rents
What is the first thing you think when you wake in the morning? f this
How many rings before you answer? a couple
Future daughter's name? summer
Future son's name? seth
Chocolate or vanilla? chocolate all the way
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? no
If you could have any job you wanted, what would it be? something easy with good pay
Are you a lefty, righty or ambidextrous? righty
Do you type with your fingers on the right keys? i dont know
What's under your bed? boxs
Favorite sport to watch? football
Hair Color: blonde
Eye Color: bluish green
Height Currently: 5'6
Glasses/contacts: nope
Current Age: 15
Siblings: a brother and a sister
Siblings age: sister-11 or 12, brother-9?
Location: manalapan
Any Piercings: this question was asked like 2 times already damnit
Best Friends: caitlin heather megan
Close/Good Friends: a couple
Boyfriend: nope :-\
Current Crush: its an f-in secret
Are You Timely Or Always Late: alwayss late
Do You Have A Job: yep, coldstone baby
Do You Like Being Around People: most of the time

wow good questionare. not
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