A New Beginning

May 28, 2011 23:04


You can move on to your other friends' journal's now.


Okay.... Well this is on you.

You know that feeling you get when it's the end of that sappy romance you swear you've never seen and all you feel is lonely and heartbroken and your head is filled with fantasies that will never come true?

Why does it happen without a catalyst? I just want to curl up with my bluejackets manual and forget everything not pertaining to my future. I feel like I'm not working hard enough. I'm eating to much and studying too little. Is this what those stressed out Asians feel like right before their college entrance exams?

How can I have gotten so obsessed? I'm aware of it, and yet it doesn't stop. I have to lose those 23 pounds before September, or... what? My life goals are ruined? The recruiters won't give me a solid answer as to what will happen.

I'll join the Marine Corps before I go one more year knowing where I should be and being at WalMart instead. Sure, I'm really good at being a WalMart associate, but I know where I belong. I know it involves a uniform where my name badge isn't used to clock in.

I know I'm starting to take it too far, but I'm still not getting results and it's making me want to take it further. Two pounds lost in three weeks of exercising 2-3 hours every weekday, eating less than 1200 calories a day, and constantly reminding myself that "hunger is just fat burning"?

For two pounds?

It feels like bull shit.

And at the same time I still feel more like I would after a heart-wrenching drama than after a good, hard workout session.

And everyone has their stupid little opinions based on no science at all as to what needs to happen to lose weight. As if there's a secret trick to it.

How about eat less and work more. It's really simple.

I'm just REALLY frustrated with how UNKNOWABLE my future is!

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