Ups and Downs

Nov 03, 2008 17:16

Past month or so has been strange. Lots of ups, lots of downs. Well, maybe not lots of downs. Maybe just a few big downs. Either way, I'm still alive.

Turns out I got a B on my French Architecture midterm (the one I was freaking out about in my last post). Figures, that tends to happen with me. I also got an A on my paper for that class, which was very happily received. Rutgers is a lot harder than Kean, so when I do well it actually means something.

Dexter is getting better. He still stresses me out, and I'm still not that attached to him. He's cute and fun, but I don't think I'd miss him if he were gone. I'm not saying I want him dead or anything... I'm just not sure how long it'll take for me to really 'love' him.

Give me my Princess any day, she's my best friend.
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