Dec 11, 2007 18:32
Today I had an exam on Finnish folk music. I´m not especially interested on it, but the lecturer was ok and the book actually almost interesting so I feel a bit embarrassed that I didn´t actually study for the test... u_u" I don´t know when I´ll start studying. But I made a holy decision that I´ll study for the Finnish music exam that I´ll have on Wednesday next week. right But I even got the book today! 9_9
And yesterday we had the music theory exam, it wasn´t that bad (I think so??), we just had to analyse some pieces. But it was nice when I realized how little I actually knew, so I called dad "hey, I´ll have a music theory exam in an hour, could you really briefly explain what the heck is napolilainen sekstisointu?" Luckily it wasn´t asked. Eventhough I think I got it (thanks, dad)