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Aug 06, 2006 22:58

Senior year.  i have decided that I am going to make the most of it.  I am going to push myself as hard as I physically and mentally can in cross country.  I want to make this the best year of cross ever.  At camp we were talking about making the most of your opportunities.  And to not take things for granted.  Like being able to use your legs.  And it made me cry because my dad can barely walk and my aunt and grandpa were in wheelchairs.  And how I just go running everyday and sometimes I honestly do not try my hardest when I really should.  And I am disgusted with myself that I would just not even think about how hard it is for my dad to even walk.  I do appreciate that I am able to run as far as I can.  I may be one of the slowest people on the team, but I can still finish a run.  And I am so proud to be able to say I can do that.  That I can go out and run 8 miles consistently.  I can run 3.1 miles in 23:15.  I can go for a jog when I'm feeling down to clear my head.  I LOVE RUNNING.  It is my passion.  Cross Country is my life.  And this year I'm not taking it for granted.  I am going to break 22:30 for a 5K race.  I am going to make the team tomorrow.

I will also do better with academics.  I will raise my overall GPA to at least a 3.9 (hopefully higher).  I will try my hardest and do my homework every night AT HOME.  I will pay attention in class.  And just try my hardest.

As for the people in my life, I will not take them for granted.  I get upset at the little things with my family and I get so upset with myself for that.  I will not take my classmates for granted.  I usually don't talk to someone if I don't know them in the beginning of the class.  I will try to make more friends this year.  I will be more friendly.  I will always wear a smile and keep my head up when walking the halls.  I will say hi to everyone (well, maybe not everyone I see at school, because then I would never stop saying hi ahah).  I will not take lunch period for granted either.

I am going to bed now, GOODNIGHT WORLD.
Sleep well, and enjoy the rest of your summer!
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