this entry is public, not friends only, because it's something i think everyone needs to see.i think its a disgrace that all i ever hear people talk about at school is sex drugs and alcohol
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so i get where your coming from and everything, and its not that i disagree but: okay yeah i'm not going to lie, most couples/teenagers our age have/had sex. and it doesn't even matter if i agree with it or not. it's a two person decision. and if two people think they're ready for such a comitment (not a good word to use, only one i could think of) then i shouldn't be the one to say that what they are doing is wrong. they probably are far better at judging what is right and wrong for them than i am. and with alcohol, i'm just going to face the facts. i don't think anybody by the time they have graduated college/turned 21 hasn't been drunk before. so with that in mind, i would much rather have my friends drink with thier friends now and build up immunity (once again not good word) instead of freshmen year going to college and going to a party where they only know one good friend and have something stupid happened. so that's kind of a stretch, but it's true. if you're just drinking with your friends and you aren't driving or doing something stupid then it's really not a big deal. besides i don't think anybody wants to spend their 21st birthday passed out over a drink or two. that'd suck.
well, i dont think its good to say that everybody will have been drunkby the time their 21. i dont drink. and i dont plan on ever getting 'wasted'. and i want to go to a christian college where that bad influence and pressure to drink wont be nearly half as bad as it would be at like msu or u of m.
and the issue about premarital give a part of yourself away to someone when you have sex. thats how i see it. and its a part of you that you can never get back. so why give it away to someone who you probably wont end up being with forever?
teens these days think that drinking and sex and drugs are okay because thats what society is telling them. and thats horrible. because its not okay.
yeah i get what you're saying about sex. and don't get me wrong, i don't think there is anything wrong with waiting. heck, i don't plan on having sex anytime soon.
but how do you know when you are going to be with somebody forever? is it when you've been dating for a few years? or is it just a feeling you have? or after you get married? it's a statistic that 50% (and growing) of marriages these days don't even last. or lets say you never get married or seriouslly settle down with someone?
that's why i believe that it's on an indivual basis.
i don't think you ever know if you're going to be with somebody forever, but i think that if you actually love somebody enough to "give yourself to them" that's saying, "i want to be with you forever."
yeah there are a lot of kids in our school that just "sleep around" and obviously i'm not talking about that at all. because that's just sick and wrong no matter what your age is.
but, if you want to 'give yourself' to the first person you truely love or who you get married to or whatever then i think everybody needs to respect the desicion that people make, and realize that it's not horrible. horrible would be somebody who believe in what you do, doing that stuff. same goes for drinking. like suzanne said, you just need to stick with your own personal morals. not necessarily the ones the bible or your parents or your peers say to obey by.
not trying to argue or anything haha just trying to explain what i said. haha.
i agree with lisa on ALL of that what's wrong with people's views is they think that you can't drink [as a teenager] and be a "good" christian. what if the legal drinking age limit was 16. then it wouldn't be a big deal. i'm not saying this is true with everyone. but think about it. and the whole sex thing, i agree with lisa it's between two people and their sexual maturity.
okay yeah i'm not going to lie, most couples/teenagers our age have/had sex. and it doesn't even matter if i agree with it or not. it's a two person decision. and if two people think they're ready for such a comitment (not a good word to use, only one i could think of) then i shouldn't be the one to say that what they are doing is wrong. they probably are far better at judging what is right and wrong for them than i am.
and with alcohol, i'm just going to face the facts. i don't think anybody by the time they have graduated college/turned 21 hasn't been drunk before. so with that in mind, i would much rather have my friends drink with thier friends now and build up immunity (once again not good word) instead of freshmen year going to college and going to a party where they only know one good friend and have something stupid happened. so that's kind of a stretch, but it's true. if you're just drinking with your friends and you aren't driving or doing something stupid then it's really not a big deal. besides i don't think anybody wants to spend their 21st birthday passed out over a drink or two. that'd suck.
and the issue about premarital give a part of yourself away to someone when you have sex. thats how i see it. and its a part of you that you can never get back. so why give it away to someone who you probably wont end up being with forever?
teens these days think that drinking and sex and drugs are okay because thats what society is telling them. and thats horrible. because its not okay.
but how do you know when you are going to be with somebody forever? is it when you've been dating for a few years? or is it just a feeling you have? or after you get married? it's a statistic that 50% (and growing) of marriages these days don't even last. or lets say you never get married or seriouslly settle down with someone?
that's why i believe that it's on an indivual basis.
i don't think you ever know if you're going to be with somebody forever, but i think that if you actually love somebody enough to "give yourself to them" that's saying, "i want to be with you forever."
yeah there are a lot of kids in our school that just "sleep around" and obviously i'm not talking about that at all. because that's just sick and wrong no matter what your age is.
but, if you want to 'give yourself' to the first person you truely love or who you get married to or whatever then i think everybody needs to respect the desicion that people make, and realize that it's not horrible. horrible would be somebody who believe in what you do, doing that stuff. same goes for drinking. like suzanne said, you just need to stick with your own personal morals. not necessarily the ones the bible or your parents or your peers say to obey by.
not trying to argue or anything haha just trying to explain what i said. haha.
but i respect your opinion.
and im glad you said what you had to say.
because i wanted to hear what other people had to say.
:D see you tomorrow in astronomy!
what's wrong with people's views is they think that you can't drink [as a teenager] and be a "good" christian. what if the legal drinking age limit was 16. then it wouldn't be a big deal. i'm not saying this is true with everyone. but think about it. and the whole sex thing, i agree with lisa it's between two people and their sexual maturity.
i think its bad that kids think its cool to go get wasted on the weekends.
and the sex thing. i just really strongly believe what the Bible says.
thanks for your opinion :)
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