Fuck Them!!!!!!!!

Nov 23, 2004 22:55

OMG. as u can probably tell by the title 2day was like one of the most fucked up days of my life. it was all good until after school. then this bitch who i thought was my friend named Britt-nay(what kind of a fucking name is that? that shit is so getto)but neway she said some shit about my sister that really pissed me off. now i dont consider myself fake but i cant stand that bitch and she doesnt kno it. of course ill be nice to her becuz i dont like confrontation but behind her back i cant stand her. now ppl form my school that read these(u kno who u are) dont go saying what i wrote in this journal out loud or loud enough for neone but me and u to hear. but neway after that the day only got worse. these guys that like me and wana get on but i dont give the time of day were talking about me like i was a slut or something. knowing good and dame well that i havent fucked with not one of those nigga's. it just really irritates me when ppl try to talk shit about me but they dont kno shit about me.i just wish they would leave my fucking name out their shit filled mouths.then some of them i thought were my friends and guys i could be cool with and maybe someone i could see myself kissing and shit but now it's like i swear if they get in my fucking face 2morrow acting like nothing happened and shit i will sure as hell blow their shit in. im just so fucking tired of nigga's and bitches talking shit when they dont kno shit. and then Britt-nay and the nerve to say that if my cousin and sister had gotten into a fight(long story ill tell you guys in a different journal) that my cousin would have beat my sisters ass. now she kno that is a got dame lie. my sister would have blew my cousin and her friends shit in and she wouldnt have needed ne help form me. all 3 of them could have stepped in and my sister would have still won. now i asked them not to bring it up but naw their ass' want to bring up the past. please dont let me get started on how Britt-nay's ex-boyfriend was messin with me when he was going with her. and that he said the only reason he talked to her last year was becuz when his leg was broken she was the only girl that talked to him. dont let me get started on that shit. but neway ive decided that i aint fucking with no nigga's in that school nemore except for 2 that i wont name right now. but well i guess thats it for now. ill halla at you later. and maybe next time it will be to say something happy. until then U KNO U LUV ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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