Sep 17, 2004 22:13
i got this from loren's LJ ive never done one of these before.comment guuuys!
Current mood :: PISSED because nobody will make plans with me on a saturday night!!
Current music :: 80's stuff
Current taste :: none
Current hair :: down.. short curlyish, BLACK
Current clothes :: maroon shirt from GAP..boy shorts from wal*mart
Current annoyance :: thinking of fill and the things he ''did'' (no i wont go into detail)
Current smell :: nothing um..cardboard? (smells like nothing)
Current thing I ought to be doing :: sleeping
Current desktop picture: rainbow colorfull thing i made
Current favorite band :: none
Current book :: to kill a mocking bird
Current cd in stereo :: death cab
Current crush :: Chris.. MY HOMECOMING DATE BITCHES!!
Current favorite celeb :: i think paris hilton is hot?
Current hate :: eating meat.
Smoke? :: no
Do drugs? :: no
Have a dream that keeps coming back? :: no
Read the newspaper? :: yes
Have any gay or lesbian friends? :: yes
Believe in miracles? :: sometimes?
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever? :: no
Consider yourself tolerant of others? :: mostly
Consider love a mistake? :: DEFINITLY.. cough..(fill)
Like the taste of alcohol? :: used to
Have a favorite candy? :: i think so
Believe in astrology? :: yes
Believe in magic? :: yes
Believe in God? :: nope.. im an athiest.
Have any pets? :: yes
Go to or plan to go to college? :: i really should i probably will
Have any piercings? :: yes
Hate yourself :: sometimes
Have an obsession? :: yes..
Have a secret crush? :: not secret well maybe i dont know
Do they know yet? :: how is it a SECRET crush?!
Care about looks? :: yes but not only looks
Ever been in love? :: no
Do you believe in love at first sight? :: i dont know
Do you believe in "the one?" :: how would i KNOW?!
Describe your ideal significant other :: i dont feel like it
Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing? :: yes
Have you ever been intoxicated? :: yes
Height :: 5''3 maybe? juicy isnt it?
Bought :: a ticket to a show
Ate :: peanut butter cookies
Drank :: water
Read :: this
Watched on tv :: umm.. the news i think
club or houseparty :: i dont party.. yet?
drinks or shots :: neither
cats or dogs :: cats
single or taken :: single
pen or pencil :: pencil
gloves or mittens :: mittens like the kittens in mittens
food or candy :: food
cassette or cd :: tape
coke or pepsi :: i dont like soda at all
this or that :: that
kill :: someone
look like :: nobody
be like :: i dont even know what im going to be like, i havent found myself, afraid i never will
avoid :: my mom or fill
talked to :: brian at dano's then he hung up on me because they didnt want to hang out with me.. thats mean.
hugged :: chris.. that was wayy earlier today. i dont hug enough.. i probably wont hug someone till i see him again.
instant messaged :: annie
eat :: diners.. fast food sucks but sometimes i eat it.. when i can find a non aminal place.
cry :: anywhere when i need to
wish you were :: hanging OUUT at dano's
Dated one of your best friends? :: dano, i think he is a best friend.
Loved somebody so much it makes you cry? :: never been in love
Drank alcohol? :: yes i liked it. i was a BADD kiddo
Done drugs? :: yes. see what i mean?
Broken the law? :: mmhhmm
Run away from home? :: no
Broken a bone? :: my pinky when i was seven
Played Truth Or Dare? :: duh
Kissed someone you didn't know? :: yes.. kissing is funn
Been in a fight? :: yeah.. not too physical
Come close to dying? :: maybe?
The most embarrassing CD in your collection? :: i dont know
Your bedroom like? :: black and pink.. i hate it and love it at the same time
Your favorite thing for breakfast? :: coffee
Your favorite restaurant? :: dont have one. nobod ever takes me out!
What's on your bedside table? :: who said i had a bedside table? next to my bed is a box of cd's and my stereo with 59027505 cups on top and my barbie alram clock and other random junk
What do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night? :: cookies, ice cream,
What is your secret guaranteed weeping movie? :: umm.. my girl. not a secret.. when he friend died i may watch that tonight now.
What is your biggest fear? :: love
What feature are you most insecure about? :: satelite, other stuff
Do you ever have to beg? :: alot
Are you a pyromaniac? :: used to be, lit krissy's whole front yard on fire once.
Crushes? :: chris i already said that!!
Do you know anyone famous? :: no
Describe your bed :: its on the floor, well the matress is on the box spring, its not squeky in case someone wants to come and rape me.
Spontaneous or plain? :: both.. just to be confusing
Do you know how to play poker? :: yes
What do you carry with you at all times? :: my ring
How do you drive? :: i dont
What do you miss most about being little? :: playing, no worrying about boys, not being all grown up, eating what i want pissing in bed, staying up late and sleeping in.. i could go on forever. i miss the child hood memories dearly.
Are you happy with your given name? :: no
How much money would it take to get you to give up the Internet for one year? :: i dont know.. alot i guess.
what color is your bedroom? :: black and purple walls
Do you like yourself and believe in yourself? :: not at all
Do you think you're cute? :: yea..
Do poor, homeless, or starving people sometimes annoy you? :: i feel bad for them they make me sad so thats the only way they would annoy me.
Do you consider yourself to be a nice person? :: i try to be
Do you spend more time with your girlfriend, boyfriend, or your friends? :: dont have a girlfriend or boyfriend.. so i would say friends
Have you ever been caught "doing something?" :: yes
Are you a tease? :: when i want to be
Shy to make the first move? :: no
Rubber :: dicks
Punk :: evan.. ha ha..
Green :: ireland
Peanut :: elephants
Wet :: my crotch?
Hay :: yo!
Cold :: my hands
Steamy :: bath water
Rain :: krissy
Bite :: stupid fucking dogs. and stupid fucking musquitos
Blow :: job