May 25, 2004 20:43
my parents are breaking up. tonight mommy told me it was all my fault, that i was the problem in their marriage. i can't believe she would say that. all i did was tell her to be nice to my sister because she was going off on her for no good reason at all. i feel so horrible. why is it always my fault? i did nothing to destroy their marriage. they were the ones who decided to have me. they were the ones who got married, even though they both knew that they weren't in love. my mom even told me that my dad had to beg a full night until she actually said yes, and that they bought their wedding rings at a pawn shop, and a week later they weren't even real. they eloped in las vegas, the cheap way. they were never meant to be together, who were they kidding? my mom is miss priss goody goody tu shoes, and my dad is low class bum who got himself up in the air a bit. i know both my parents love me very much, and i love them too, but they both really suck at showing it. my dad buys me everything i want, yet i dont get to spend much time with him because he works, and he gets easily crabby. my mom i see a lot, but we don't really talk. we are like distant.
but yes, their marriage is over. now a fear over comes me. am i going to make the same mistake as them?