May 02, 2005 16:17
Hey whats up with everyone? Notta whole lot here being board mostley lol, but ne ways today i got some new posters lol....I hung em up in my room too lol, Kacy knows what im talkin about, well today Jeremy went fishing with Tim and Eric, so yeah....well how was everyones weekend? Well mine was okay well ill tell ya about it...Friday hmm what did i do friday, oh yeah i went over to Jeremys house and we hung out til about 11 it was pretty fun we didnt really do anything, then Saturday i didnt do nething i was going to but things changed or something like that lol and my mom and dad went to a party so yeah then yesterday Jeremy picked me up we went out to best buy so i could get my mp3 player "finally" then to the mall, then we went to his house to see what was going on then we meet Tim, Ben, and Mark up in Whithall and they went fishing i didnt wanna go fishing...Lol and Tim cought 2 fish and i thought one was gonna jump out of the cooler it was sick lol...Then i went home and i was on time my parents we happy about that so ya know its all good lol, well now today hmmm boaring like every other monday lol...well i dont have much to else to say so i guess i am out...Cya l8er