
Jul 22, 2008 09:42

I have a dated a whole slew of different people.

A Bandee guitar player, a Techie, A Surfer, A Druggie, A Hockey player, A Pothead, A Nerd, A Soccer player, a Daddy, a Mommy, a Girl who wants to be a boy, a Boy who used to be a girl, a Wiccan, a Beauty Contestant, a Hippie, an Innocent felon, a bitch, a Horse trainer / Equestrian, a Phillipino, a Gay Man, a Film maker, a stunt driver, a 'wangsta', a landscaper, a WoW addict, a cocaine addict, a thong addict, a police trainee, nd many more...

I regret none of them. Except maybe one. Maybe.

Sometimes I feel like I just can't settle and be happy.
I'm happy right now, except my Wiccan is moving to Las Vegas and my innocent felon might go to jail for a while.
How fair is that?
There is a girl right now but I don't feel as though we reeaally click.
I'm not going to say that I'm lonely. I'm just in a funk. I don't know what I want.
But I know I don't want to go to work today. Ooooho Hell NO I don't.
Ah well.... At least they switched my shift to second so I dont have to deal with that stupid [prick anymore.
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