I went through the '70s and '80s saying, I'm a heterosexual bisexual lesbian, and whenever I said that, no one asked me another thing.
Betty Dodson When I was little I used to want a boyfriend.
There was a boy I liked, but we were just too good of friends for anything to happen.
People didn't like me in school at all, and I was made fun of my entire life (even still).
and all I wanted was to be loved.
And I got my wish a couple times, but not like until LMD
We have a nice year and a half of beautifulness
Then he hurt me and i crawled away from that wreckage with no desire to love
No desire to belong to anyone but myself.
No desire to do much of anything except become the most independent woman In the world.
Who needs a man? Who needs a woman?
No, it wasn't just that
Who needs a love?
Lovers, they were different.
I had no problem sharing physicality with another person;
In fact it was enjoyable... but everytime someone got close, their either lost interest or wanted more.
Either way I was always getting hurt, even when I'd decided ahead of time that nothing serious would spring.
It still hurts to be left.
When I was little, I wanted cinderella. I wanted Pocahauntas, I wanted Ariel, Jasmine, Snow White... I wanted those stories so... SO badly.
When I was little I was stupid. People didn't get those stories...
now I'm not little, and I find myself wanting stories in a different way. I want romance, but i'm too damn stubborn to want much more.
I want deep, unconditional friendship. I want laughter, i want joy, i want to please, to make others smile and feel good.
I want a life where I can share "love" with as many people that will let me.
I don't understand where I was going with this, I'm just going.
And I don't know where to stop...