May 24, 2007 15:14
Stang6894 (3:03:46 PM): hahahahahahahhha
Stang6894 (3:04:06 PM): i should go wait at the school by the car and be like wayne i left my phone in there
Stang6894 (3:04:11 PM): my house phone
SleepnJohnnyFish (2:52:03 PM): Hey, there's something I've been wondering
starringrole87 (2:52:08 PM): yes'm?
SleepnJohnnyFish (2:52:19 PM): If I mixed Drew, and a douche... what would I get?
starringrole87 (2:53:05 PM): ?
starringrole87 (2:53:07 PM): um
starringrole87 (2:53:10 PM): Drewsh?
SleepnJohnnyFish (2:53:14 PM): hah yeah
Monday? Had my audition, it went well I think - Dont think I'll get it, but it was nice experience.
Tuesday I began the arduous task of scrubbing the kitchen floor. Bleck - the gro9ut is gross and needs a refresher course on how to look clean. Hand and knees like Cinderella, only I look waaaay hotter then her in my plaid pj's and white tank. Went out to eat with famiglia and Sharon Lorenzo.
Tuesday night? MI ROBERTO'S HOUSE! Watched Apocolypto, I was impressed. Stayed over, stayed up till goodness know when. Maybe 4? Went home Wed. morning
Wednesday, scrubbed, stuff, went to Montana West with Dylan, Mikey, Robbie, Corey, Justine, and Matt. Noice. Rode the bull. My thighs kills, and I loss some skin on my knuckles. SO WORTH IT.
This morning? hehe, I wasn't conscious. I woke up around 12 or 1 ish and went right away to scrubbing the floor. It's been computer vs scrubbing on and off bc i have to let the chemicals set in.
Sigh, dunno what I'm doing tonight. Bonfire is being moved to Jason Hugg's new place since he planned his no my night and we soo-- we combined parties! he's a good kid.