this shit is bananas...B-A-N-A-N-A-S...this shit is bananaz B-A-N-A-N-A-S..

Jun 14, 2005 22:02

well i havent updated in a while...

soo lets see...

Kristans here YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

josh pait.
herBFFEkayla B.
chris p.
alex woods.
and of course ME...
were there.
and well her family and stuff

i spent the night with her after the party.and we had soo much fun just catching up ya know..???
we took some cool pics...i sure hope she puts them in her photo bucket. thingy...tehe...oh and i talked to her Boyfriend..aww they are adorable..:) just *pure* perfect... his name is brett and hes f**kin awesome..just like her :)

then we went to a party for someone in her family on sun. in daytona..and we pretty much hung out with ryan her cousin...hes freakin hilarious..:)hmm and i stayed up till 5:oo in the morning oh soo freakin crazy :p .maybe thats why >>> (look___below) <<<

********then hmm mon. i did pretty much absolutely********

then today *tuesday* :-P....i volunteered at the library and it was alright..i mean its easy but i hate people naggin me and i can work soo much better without people up my ass...ya know?? lol...and theres this really weird guy there that like "loves" to talk to me and its really strange.. :p
it was quick tho...

then after that i picked up zach from the bus he loves me pickin him up on the 4-wheeler...8-) im the BEST BIG sister to ever walk this earth..haha then we went to davids to swim and have a cookout... and the weather was freakin perfect such a nice day...

jarret and i played pool... ==== me I won
then zach and i played ====== after about 45 min...I WOn again... :) :):):)

then i came home took a shower

now im on this damned thing have no life

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