1. name: Ashley
2. location: Lakeland, FL
3. sexual orientation: heterosexual
4. top 10 bands: Jets to Brazil, Denali, Le Tigre, Metric, Casey Jones, Strike Anywhere, The Pixies, Morrissey, Ladytron, Hot Hot Heat
5. say something interesting (whether about yourself or just random): Trees, trees, goshdarn trees...sucking up all the carbon dioxide...leaving none for us!
views on....
drinking/drugs: If you feel the need to do any other drug besides marijuana go for, but I don't see the point. I also think, that marijuana and alcohol have been mixed up over the years. Alcohol should be illegal not weed. Alcohol ditorts vision, slows reaction times. Weed makes you silly and lazy and makes you aware of things around you, also, most people while high don't drive around carlessly and kill people...
premarital sex: I don't agree with it, because if the condom breaks and someone gets pregnant, then that brings abortion into the picture, and I don't agree with that at all. Plus there are skin-to-skin std's that condoms don't prevent and thats no fun, so inside marriage you know what you're getting into...
abortion: I was adopted, I don't see how anyone could take a life while adoption is an option. My birthmom told me(I met her last week!!! So exciting!) how she was broke, no place to live, on drugs, the guy wasn't sticking around, so she was going to abort me...She couldn't she said, with adoption out there why kill an innocent life because of my mistakes. She doesn't regret it either! We have a growing relationship, and I think all children should have a chance at a normal life...
do you believe in...
god: Yes. He's gotten me through some tough times.
ghosts: Yes, but I think they're all bad/evil. They're creepy, yet fascinating.
love at first sight: Yes! I love so many boys it's ridiculous! lol, kidding, but yes I do. I think you'll know it, right away, when you find the one.
show us three journals you've promoted in (yes we will check, the more the better):
rightplace cause__yourehot collarbone_love post one amusing or random picture:
yes that is a bum...with a "bum bag"(stick with plastic bag tied on...)
now post at least three pictures of yourself: