1. name: Jeni
2. location: Georgia
3. sexual orientation: heterosexual
4. top 10 bands: pretty girls make graves, the unicorns, yeah yeah yeahs, the von bondies, cursive, modest mouse, metric, saves the day, from autumn to ashes, belle and sebastian
5. say something interesting (whether about yourself or just random): I still watch Power Rangers...the original episodes that come on early weekend mornings
views on....
drinking/drugs: no thanks.
premarital sex: as long as you can at LEAST trust the person you are going to have sex with
abortion: pro-choice. I personally wouldn't do it, but not everyone else has the same beliefs as me, and I respect that. people should be able to make their own decisions based on their own morals
do you believe in...
god: I'm not sure right now :/
ghosts: sure
love at first sight: I've never experienced it, but sure
show us three journals you've promoted in (yes we will check, the more the better):
http://www.livejournal.com/community/_promote_/83643.html?mode=replyhttp://www.livejournal.com/community/killerhotdisco/53952.html?mode=replyhttp://www.livejournal.com/community/_emo_glamour/174683.html?mode=reply post one amusing or random picture:
my oh so intelligent friends. nick tried to give bales a piggy back ride...and failed miserably.
now post at least three pictures of yourself: