Nov 03, 2006 08:40
I am apparently moving up in the quiznos world. In under three months, I've gotten promoted by salery and job title. I am known as the hardest worker who will take anyone's shift if needed. I will come in on my days off. Heck, I'm even known as crazy for my oddity and for working on my breaks. My boss says if I keep this up, I'll be owning in about a year. I made it clear that I want to learn everything possible. Lori, my boss, says that I jus may skip shift manegement and go straight to manegment.
At work, I scare people with my abundence of energy. The first day Kaila met me, she thought I was on drugs because I'm mostly hyper active and have everything done. They think it's strange that I can't really remember anything. They wonder how it is possible for me to even move up in the bizz. "It's simple" I said, "If you want to move up, work hard and be interested in everything this place has to offer. It's so easy a rock can do it"
I was recently complimented on my simplistic mind. Earlier this day, I asked Kaila (I was getting off she was getting on) if she had seen the new calculator I've bought. She said no. So I ran back and got it. "It's a clippy one that you can attach to and underneith your apron so you can check labor at the register instead of running all the reports and walking to the back room to figure it out." She looked supprised and exclaimed, "Wow! That's a brilliant idea Shannon!" and put it on.
About two days ago, I scared someone I've worked with on and off with for about a month. I said a "BIG" word. The word was desolate (spelling?). The sentence was, "This place has been desolate." She looked at me with much supprise. Then proceeded to look confused and asked what it means. I said, "Well if it means what I think it means, then, this place has been dead."
I don't understand. Just because I act stupid, dosn't mean I am. I have tons of simple ideas. They wonder how I think of these oddities and I wonder how they don't. So I suppose that we all don't really scare eachother... It's jus so supprising it's scary.
I'm currently working on another job idea of mine.
Until next time,