... its been awhile ...

Oct 07, 2005 14:39

wow i cant believe i havent been on live journal since may.. its crazy... so much has happened, overview sam and i broke up met this guy named david at church camp dated him off and on for a few months, went to homecoming with larysa and brittany and met up with felicia and others at the dance... and im single at the moment... thats pretty much it.

but honestly what are you suppost to do when one of the people you love has, in your own opinon and others opinions, changed for the worse... they arent the person you used to know and love and you arent even the person you used to be... its hard but its one of those things that ill have to get over...

"but you just have to get through it and realize the person you once loved and knew is gone and replaced with something else that you dont agree with and may even despise" ~wise words of my bff

- <3 - Lauren
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