(no subject)

Dec 02, 2008 17:33

[ NOW ]

Current mood | boredddd

Current music | amy winehouse-"back to black"

Current hair | natural hair color [dark brown]

Current clothes | kicks, jeans, t-shirt and peacoat.

Current annoyance | work.

Current smell | reese's cups.

Current thing I should be doing | pulling files for tomorrow's appointments.

Current windows open | microsoft outlook, SARS and LJ.

Current desktop picture | harley quinn getting hugged by the joker.

Current favorite band | Morrissey always and forever.

Current book | anything charles bukowski.

Current crush | Johnny Depp duhh

Current favorite celeb | see above.

[ DO YOU ]

Smoke? | nope.

Do drugs? | nope.

Have a dream that keeps coming back? | yes.

Remember your first love? | yes.

Still love him/her? | no.

Read the newspaper? | no.

Have any gay or lesbian friends? | yes.

Believe in miracles? | yes. haven't you seen the virgin mary salsa? LMFAO!

Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever? | idk, it's only been 6 years.

Consider yourself tolerant of others? | no.

Consider love a mistake? | never.

Like the taste of alcohol? | some.

Have a favorite candy? | anything sour or salty.

Have any pets? | yes, Lennie Rey McCoy and Moxie James Yoshinobu.

Go to or plan to go to college | starting FIDM in january after putting it off for so fucking long.

Have any piercings? | yes.

Have any tattoos? | yes.

Hate yourself | never.

Have an obsession? | success.

Have a secret crush? | no.


Ever been in love? | yes.

When did you lose your virginity? | a while ago.

Do you believe in love at first sight? | yea, it's called LUST.

Do you believe in "the one?" | i'm with the one i'm supposed to be with right now, that's all that matters.

Describe your ideal significant other | J O S E M E J I A P E R I O D

[ ETC ]

Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing? | yes.

Are you a tease? | it keeps things exciting.

Shy to make the first move? | never.


Hair | straight & dark.

Eyes | brown.

Height | 5'2"


Bought | food.

Ate & Drank | water.

Watched on TV | Law & Order.


beer or cider | neither, don't want a beer belly.

drinks or shots | drinks & shots.

cats or dogs | either.

single or taken | taken.

pen or pencil | pen.

gloves or mittens | my motherfucking chanel gloves!

food or candy | food, i don't like sweets.

cassette or cd | records.

coke or pepsi | coke.


kill | no one.

get really wasted with | Jose.

look like | me!

avoid | barack obama.


saw | random chicks.

talked to on the phone | Jessica [come back from hawaii already!]

hugged | Jose, when he dropped me off at work today.

instant messaged | Renzo!

kissed | Jose.


Drank alcohol? | yes.

Done drugs? | yes, waste of fucking timee!

Broken the law? | who hasn't?

Run away from home? | no, i got it made.

Broken a bone? | yes.

Played Truth Or Dare? | yes.

Kissed someone you didn't know? | back in the days.

Been in a fight? | yes.

Come close to dying? | idk.

[ WHAT IS.. ]

Your bedroom like? | the safest place in the world.

Your favorite thing for breakfast? | country fried steak.

Your favorite restaurant? | don't have one.

What's on your bedside table? | don't have one.

What do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night? | i don't.

What is your biggest fear? | a plane falling on me.

Describe your bed | snuggly.

Spontaneous or plain? | spontaneous.

Do you know how to play poker? | no.

What do you carry with you at all times? | chapstick.

How do you drive? | aggresively.

What do you miss most about being little? | little koala cookies with pink stuff in them.

Are you happy with your given name? | yes.

What color is your bedroom? | pink and white.

Have you ever been in a play? | yes.

Do you consider yourself to be a nice person? | to some extent.
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