wow. Did you get denied or something? Hey if a girl has a nice ass and wants to show it off then let her. Just beacause girls are hot doesnt mean there all sluts. You and brett are kinda stereotypical. I donno. O well i dont really care. And its not like the girls that drink do it all the time. I know a lot of hot girls who only do it like a few times a month and there not stupid about it. I think that you and brett are kinda in your own place that says anyone who drinks is an alcoholic whore. you guys gotta get out more and hang out with girls even if they do/have drank. I dont know thats just my opinion
what you want to do is your buisness. me or brett have not told you to stop hanging out with your freinds that drink and smoke or told you that you are naive. Why are you telling us that we are naive because we dont like drinking? thats what we think. we dont bug you about it. if you dont like how we roll you dont have to hang out with us. and you really dont anyways.
yes brett has critiszed me for who i hang out with. im just saying just because a girl drinks doesnt mean she is a bad girl is all. im saying you not going to find a 'perfect girl' so just give other girls a chance. sor-rey dude. or you can just keep waiting for a perfect girl to fall out of the sky.
okay whatever im sorry. I guess thats your opinion if you choose to hate those girls its cool. i was just trying to suggest that tehre not all bad but you dont even wanna hear it so whatever. im sorry for expressing my opinion
hey dude, no one can criticize you for your friend actions, but you really just shouldnt drink, because you have a heart problem, so your not exactly the same as other people when it comes to tolerance and things like that.
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