Jan 20, 2005 19:07
updated version.
I miss all of the trips to the mall clown caring it. I miss all of our trips to harvard square and rides on the bus. I miss THE OLD mall. I miss having water balloon fights and soap wars. I miss sitting out at the fire until it burned out at 3 in the morning. I miss eating pop corn chicken and blasting techno. I miss pinging and ponging people. I miss our old bands and hockey games. I miss going to plaster fun time and chuckie cheese and making fools out of ourselves and not caring because we were having fun. I miss going bowling and i miss the red baron. i miss crey fishing and fishing in general. i miss going on joy ride canoe rides and tipping over. i miss doing doughnuts and almost tipping the car over and i miss my backyard with the bubbles and the smell of hot dogs and hamburgers cooking. i miss the ghetto fort and skating and biking around town until we puked. i miss 3 hour phone calls. i miss wrestling and getting my ass kicked. i miss my bunk beds at pearl st. i miss making army men melt and the rabid can. i miss running in the ran. i miss all of the old pictures and movies we took. i miss people playing guitar and just being able to reminiss while it was raining. i miss making ramen noodles and mac n cheese. i miss making pasta and throwing it against the wall to see if it was done. i miss walking through the center with nikkis leesh on and just watching peoples reactions. i miss the tent and the brown chair. i miss dying hair and doing it up. i miss dressing people in the oppisit sexes clothes and walking around town. i miss walking to 7-11 at 3 in the morning and getting strawberry puffs. i miss the lamp and the shopping cart. i miss building 19 and the wuuu ouuuuu song. i miss hacky sacking until we fell over. i miss blasting tunes and rocking out. i miss my birthday party and playing soccer in my backyard. i miss watching people get fucked up and seeing what they do. i miss getting signed at the mall and piggy back rides. i miss making fun of songs on the radio and fucking with the spirits and getting the shit scared out of us. i miss blowing up bottles of soap and water on the street and getting threatened to get the cops called on us. i miss hide and seek and tag. i miss playing basket ball and tiping the net over. i miss making brownies and cake randomly. i miss making kool aid out of jello cuz we were so poor. i miss falling down the stairs because our pants were to big. i miss going to concerts in limos and blasting the bands CD so people thought we were the band. i miss walking around town while carrying a jack to fix a truck. i miss riding a spinny chair down heart street and almost dying. i miss walking around with 7 people trying to sell ourselves as one. i miss the carnival. i miss people playing catch with me. i miss going off of jumps on my snow scoot and flipping over the handle bars and rolling down the hill. i miss sitting at the bus stop to see what people would say or do. i miss yelling "spin um" to old people when their at red lights. i miss watching movies in french and pigging out on pizza. i miss faygo fights. i miss our once close love. i miss our once tight friendship. i miss how everything used to be. i miss how we were all so close. i miss the old WU TOWN CREW. what happened to friends forever always together never apart? =/.
i miss throwing shit at people and having them not wake up. i miss huddling around the stove because we're poor and the heat got shut off. i miss silly string fights. i miss playing with your hair. i miss water balloon fights. i miss getting the dog stoned. i miss school dances. i miss music class. i miss cap guns. i miss the black cow boy hat. i miss all the runs to hot topic to meet you. i miss eraser fights in spanish. i miss yelling cheech in chong in english and getting bitched at by mr bavouso. i miss talking back to mr bavouso about rage and havin mr bavouso almost cry over it. i miss making fun of super swoops. i miss the JFK song. i miss tampon wars in chorus. i miss the talent show with the chicken dance and bands. i miss canobie lake with chorus. i miss watching mr rodgers. i miss rubbing your back and telling you everything would be ok. i miss having powder fights and eating chinese food. i miss blowing bubbles for hours apawn hours. i miss the red flood. i miss stinky and scrappy. i miss cleaning the truck in the rain. i miss torturing walt. i miss the pig roast. i miss ice tea and dive bomb. i miss the moon bounce. i miss going to leland. i miss paper fights that turned into epic battles. i miss throwing fans on people while their sleeping. i miss your liberty spikes. i miss making popcorn with a whole stick of extra butter. i miss you before you turned your life to drugs and dropped out of school. i miss pearl st. i miss the summer. i miss people jumping into bushes. i miss relating songs to our fights with our parents. i miss going bowling. i miss talking about going to canada for a road trip and blasting "blame canada". i miss spray paints our hands and having to wash them for hours. i miss tubing. i miss yelling at roy. i miss making fun of tim. i miss bunk beds with the basket. i miss layla and jude. i miss my grandfather. i miss THE BRITISH ARE COMMING! i miss swimming at the secret spot. i miss the kisses that ment something. I MISS GREGORY GEORGE VON HAAS JUNIOR. i miss ripping spongebob apart by accident. i miss the super bowl. i miss the hey song. i miss fire balls. i miss drinking sparling cider till be passed out. i miss watching HR puff and stuff all hours of the night. i miss face paint wars at wendys. i miss spit shining doors. i miss watching half mashed. i miss the random guy on the couch. i miss falling in the brooke. i miss playing knife catch. i miss the tiki that never went out. i miss rainy days out in the tent. i miss people sleeping on other peoples asses. i miss sitting on the stoop for hours just talking. i miss the burning barrel. i miss the tioletota. i miss ralph. i miss the zoots and stooz trucks. randomly driving through greston ave. i miss almost getting hit by a CVS truck. i miss 8th grade gym class. putting tape on the cats feet. i miss eating twinkies. i miss climbing trees and almost falling. i miss rolling down hills and hitting our heads on rocks. i miss roofus. i miss talking bout cow tipping and crop circles. i miss running round my back yard ar\t night and getting scared shitless. i miss fires in the woods. i miss pulling k-trix. i miss go karting. i miss the old truck. i miss running to work. i miss my white trash hat. i miss being WTWT. i miss the little beans. i miss trying to crush cans on my head. i miss watching people pierce their lips. i miss coloring in our coloring books. i miss going into AC moore with flarp. i miss our dreams of dropping out of school and starting a band. i miss laying in the grass for hours and watching the clouds go by. i miss trampolines. i miss ghetto drum sets. i miss devil duckies. i miss skate boarding down main st on my stomach. i miss shaving cream fights. i miss lighting moose on fire. i miss "i shall tell your future". i miss kemp. i miss ketchup and chips. i miss raw ramen noodles. i miss having thong wars. i miss beany baby wars. i miss... you. i miss everything WE had. i miss all my old friends. i miss the old days. bring them back... all of them.
yeah thats the new memories i was thinking of.
COMMENT so i know you read me again. ;-)
*>> I . LOVE . YOU <<*
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