My father(and mom too, WHY DO THEY CONSPIRE AGAINST ME!? and how?) said, and I quote, "kyo has the body of a twelve year old" and I argued, saying that he has more muscle in his arms then any healthy twelve year old I've ever seen...
^^^ very few twelve year olds are built like that these days!
put a heart( <3 or lessthenthree) in your comment if you want to now touch kyo all over
as i now go crazy with all these pics i found on photobucket, most belonging to fire_miko, who i swear i know...
did Die shave the sides of his head like Kyo?(and also, is that a bury your dead shirt? WHO SUCKED I WILL ADD)
San antonio (i was NOT there btw), i wish they had a meet n' greet at Toronto...
more fun then a barrel of monkeys (a bloodied kyo with a scared look on his face)
an almost smile by Kyo(of whom i have more pictures then ever possibly needed)