gosh i <3 surveys

Jun 18, 2005 09:11

1 courtney
2 shane
3 nicole
4 zach
5 lauren vb.
6 shawn
7 madi
8 mike g.
9 jackie
10 alex f.
11 jenna
12 scott
13 casey
14 josh
15 lauren b.
16 john b.
17 lexi
18 john m.
19 mackenzie
20 chris

Who is #8 going out with? me lol
Is #9 a boy or a girl? girl
Would #11 and #2 make a cute couple? hmm.. well they already went out once so sure!
How about #18 and #4? no considering that's two guys...
What grade is #17 in? 7th
When was the last time you talked to #12? hmm.. on thursday
What is #6's favorite band?  i have no clue
Does #1 have any siblings? yeah an older sister named lauren
Would you ever date #3? oh yes nicole's dead sexy =) hahah jk..
Would you ever date #7? nope that's another girl
Is #16 single? yeah
What's #15's last name? black
What's #10's middle name? i don't know
What's #5's favorite thing to do? hanging out with friends i guess?
Is #13 hot? that's a girl..
Would #14 and #19 make a good couple?  i don't know think they know eaochter
What school does #20 go to? memorial
Tell me a random fact about #11? she has braces lol.. yeah i couldn't think of one
And #1: she's my snowflake buddy =) haha
And #3: she's at her cousin's house right now
Have you ever had a crush on #15? nope that's a girl
Where does #9 live? baldwin, ny
What's #4's favorite color? idk
Would you make out with #14? most defenitly =) haha jk idk
Are #5 & #6 best friends? they're friends idk if they'reBEST friends though
Does #7 like #20? if you mean like as in friends then yet
Does #8 like #19? same as above
How did you meet #2? uhh scool
How did you meet #18? school
Does #10 have any pets? idk
Is #12 older than you? nope
Have oral relations with #3? nope
Is #17 the sexiest person alive? no...
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