happy books, because if escapism is what you need, why not?

Nov 12, 2016 10:47

Plopping all the happy books here since I am too lazy to properly put them on Good Reads and the to read pile is already HUGE there. A dozen here seems more manageable. I think perhaps I need to make Night Circus a priority, since so many friends have recced this and I have yet to get to it. (Also, didn't copy over ones I've already read.)

Howl's Moving Castle, Chrestomanci series, basically all the books by Diana Wynne Jones
Nimona by Noel Stevenson: "for all the monster girls". Amusing, fun, smart graphic novel about a shapeshifting young woman
The Changeover by Margaret Mahy: family, big sister will do anything to save her brother, witches, empowerment, New Zealand
Alif the Unseen by G W Wilson: non-Western fantasy, religion and technology and magic, kickass girl in hijab

The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern
Cuckoo in the Nest by Michelle Magorian: family, theatre, WW2 recovery, puns, never fails to make me smile
A Face Like Glass by Frances Hardinge: colourful fantasy, creative, playful language, fun, and some revolution
a long way to a small angry planet & a closed and common orbit by Becky Chambers. Hugs in book form.
Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell by Susanna Clarke: wonder and glory and magic and joy.
smutty het romances, I recommend Anne Calhoun's Alpha SEAL series.
hockey romance series: Portland Storm by Catherine Gayle.
Jo Graham and Melissa Scott's Order Of The Air series, which is about a found family of pilots set in the period between WWI and WWII.
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