Dec 27, 2015 16:35
For the past, oh, 15 years? Ish? I've had this cozy, warm comforter on my bed. One that was gifted to me from somebody or other. Probably my mom. Like many things in my life, I have never really loved the color, which is a solid slate blue on one side and a white/slate blue plaid on the other. Just... blah. But again (like those damned pink towels!) functional. So I wasn't in a rush to get rid of it or replace it, since I felt like that'd be a waste.
However, this year, I'm finally done. I switched up the wall color and curtains in my room from a bright lemony yellow to some nice neutral beige. I bought some nice new patterned sheets, because the old solid ones were shot. It was finally time to do something about the comforter. A nice duvet, perhaps? In a deep green? That would go nicely with the beige and the new sheets and be sufficiently masculine to please Hubby. (Everything else is pretty feminine, he deserves some non-feminine stuff in his own bedroom.) Excellent plan!
Only not. Apparently dark green is not the color du jour this year. Sage is. Lime is. Every other variation of green is. Not a nice neutral, darker shade. Sigh. I finally figure out what I want and its a bust? So I've now gotten it into my Pinterest loving head that I shall MAKE my own duvet. And my brain is pretty much exploding with all the options I have. Plaid on one side, solid on the other? Flannel on one side, cool cotton on the other? SO MANY OPTIONS. I'm so excited and can't wait to go browse the sheet aisle at Target.