time to bring back the fun (and frivolous!)

Nov 19, 2010 11:49

Every couple of weeks, ITS puts up a new poll on our website portal. It's a fun, quirky poll - nothing serious. Today's was "Favorite Pet Peeve" and was aimed at speech/writing pet peeves. The very first answer? Verbing Nouns. I... don't think I could ever like a person who's biggest pet peeve is verbing nouns. I mean, what would we do if we couldn't verb Borg? ;)

* For those interested, the other possible selections were:
Mixing metaphors
Dangling modifiers
Incorrect speling
Improper, punctuation
To boldly split infinitives
Doubleplus ungood vocabulary
5p34k1ng t3h 5p34k

Which got me thinking... I've been in a funk. There has been trauma and drama on my flist. There has been a little more posting with the blogging version on NaNoWriMo. So isn't it time for some fun, fruitless Friday polls? Yes, yes, it is!

Poll frifunday
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