Music meme redux, day 12/100 radio moments #21

Dec 12, 2012 23:33

A song from your preteen years

I could also have put this for day 3, since it was all I heard when I started listening to Kiss 108 in the summer of 2001 (yes, that one sentence qualifies it as a 100 Things post--I'm getting desperate).

Crazy Town, "Butterfly"

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The rest of the days

music, 100 radio moments

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Comments 2

hiza_chan December 13 2012, 08:10:47 UTC
Oh my god, I used to looooove this song. My dad played it a lot when I'd stay with him for the weekends and I'd always make him play this cd because I liked it more than Creed.


kiss_me_cait23 December 13 2012, 20:04:49 UTC
Definitely better than Creed. ;) I've been grooving in my seat, NGL.


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