Hello, sweeties.

Oct 08, 2012 20:58

1. It finally got down to the 50s today, so I'm allowed to put up fall icons. One downside to preferring warm colored themes is that everything clashes. No leaves or pumpkins for now.

2. My 100 things project is on indefinite hiatus, because I ripped through 80% of my material before I hit thing twenty. If I find a way out of this pickle, I'll give it another shot.

3. Watched "Angels Take Manhattan." Started writing mushy OT3 fic to make the pain stop. The fic that's being written will do the exact opposite of that.

4. I'm thinking of going as River Song for Halloween.

5. I got bonus points on a quiz in Computer Science for being able to freehand the hyperlink code in HTML. See, livejournal is educational.

100 radio moments, doctor who, real life

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