
Sep 12, 2010 00:47

Rating: PG
Pairing: Itachi/Kankuro, implied Itachi/Shisui
Summary: The boy moves like Shisui, but he loves like Itachi.
A/N: I love crack pairings. Itachi/Shisui prequel is in the works, will be linked when I finish it.

It's because he reminds me of you.

The boy is young. He's not so young that he should be called a boy, but he is young. Younger than the girl whose shoulders carry the weight of mothering her own siblings. Not as young as the Kazekage, but younger than Itachi. Young enough.

I shouldn't do this. I know better.

The boy is older than Sasuke. He is thick and powerful where Sasuke is lean, rough where Sasuke is almost feminine. These two things give Itachi permission to watch, to feel the need shivering through his body, to pretend he knows how those hands would touch him. Perhaps he does know, and the imagined slide of a warm, rough hand is really a memory, from a night so long past it might as well be a dream.

I am being foolish. He would not be as gentle as you were.

The boy looks violent. He is tense with a power kept barely under control, fury and determination flaring hot beneath the surface. He is fire where Itachi is ice, crashing waves where Itachi is cold, still water.

He moves like Shisui did. He has the same perpetually messy hair, the same eyes burning with indignation. He would happily die to fulfill his duty, just as Shisui always wanted to. As Itachi never allowed him to.

This boy has seen true hardship. He does not support an institution founded on dangerous ideals. He would not confuse a brother’s protection with a lover’s possession.

He's young, but he's older than you.

He has Shisui's broad shoulders, big enough for Itachi to burrow against and hide from the world. His chest is wide and strong, muscles rippling as he pulls the bandage tight against his arm. His skin gleams with sweat in the candlelight, and the sight of a big hand digging into the powerful muscles of his thigh makes Itachi's stomach twist.

It's because Itachi is reminded of Shisui that he crouches outside the window of the Kazekage's apartments, watching silently in the chill of the desert night. Itachi tells himself that it's the muscles cording in the boy's neck, and the strong fingers clutching at his pant leg, that make him feel hollow with desire.

He tells himself it's because of Shisui, but it's really because of the look in the boy's eyes when he places a heavy hand on the Kazekage's shoulder.

fic, angst, naruto

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