Somewhere in the Night

Sep 12, 2010 00:20

Rating: PG
Pairing: NaruSasu (some preship)
Summary: Another shuffle meme, this time taking place in the Pitch Perfect AU. Drama club, teenage rebellion, and the hideous process of falling in love with your best friend. No continuity whatsoever.


It felt like jagged spikes of broken glass were being shoved into his ears, but the pain was worth it. His bedroom was dark-he couldn’t make it messy if he tried, and would compulsively pick up stray socks the moment they hit the carpet (something that Naruto could not understand). But with the blinds drawn, lying on his bed in the dark and turning up Naruto’s latest mix CD loud enough to reverberate in the basement, the pain he was causing his parents was worth the pain he caused his ears.

The Unforgiven

iruka’s ttly about 2 grope kakashi’s ass. think their doin it?

Sasuke gaped at his phone, trying to hide the glare with his hand. He shot a furtive glance at Naruto. His friend was slouching in his seat, looking not at Itachi’s string quartet but at the front row of the auditorium. He was wearing that horrible smirk, the one that Sasuke’s mother had all but forbidden on their property. Naruto was an expert at negative conditioning.

we are not talking about this now. someones going to see you and youre going to be kicked out. again.

Bleeding Love

The ruler of hell wears taffeta and holds a corsage. Naruto’s tie itches. His suit itches. He watches Chouji and Shikamaru pin large flower arrangements to their respective dates’ cleavage, hoping that he won’t have trouble when the time comes. His palms sweat, and if the flowers weren’t in a box, he would have stripped all the petals off by now.

Of course, the moment Sasuke walks through the door, Naruto nearly stops breathing.

July, July

“But soft, my lady. If you struggle against your bonds, what shall your handsome captor be forced to do? You must be patient, for your weak feminine hands have no power against my masculine prowess.”

Sasuke fought the urge to spit in Naruto’s face. The idiot had his hands all over him-large and warm and orange, and this was certainly divine punishment for something.

“Sasuke, I don’t think you’re feeling Lady Emeline’s emotions,” Guy shouted. All the curses of hell upon acting exercises.

Don’t Stop Believing

This is beyond stupid. Uchihas do not sulk. Uchihas do not sneak out of their bedrooms in the middle of the night without a proper jacket, and they do not accompany idiotic boys to dilapidated burger restaurants at two in the morning. And if they should, for any reason, find themselves downing French fries coated with strawberry milkshake while sitting in a parking lot next to said idiot, they absolutely, positively, do not ever lean into solid orange shoulders and feel as though the stars are in any way beautiful.

Come Together

When the fuck did this happen? Naruto has known Sasuke since he was a preternaturally intelligent six-year-old, trying to offset his giant black eyes with a scowl more suited to professional assassins. Sasuke has had a stick up his ass since he was born-it's part of what makes him so adorably terrifying.

None of this prepared Naruto for the moment his best friend jumps off his porch roof onto the ground, toppling Naruto over and shoving his spike-clad wrists into Naruto’s chest. Sasuke is off limits, completely off limits, and it hadn’t been a problem until he started wearing eyeliner.


“I am going to remove your liver and wear it as a hat.”

“You’re so cute when you’re pissy. Come on, Sassycakes. We need to find you a manfriend.”

Naruto is completely hammered, which must be what removed his sense of self-preservation. He shouldn’t look this at home in a gay club, what with his solid build, terrible haircut, and the fashion sense of a snail. Yet here he is, covered in glitter and grinning in a way that Sasuke thinks is illegal in twelve states, grabbing his hand and trying to get him laid.

Every Little Thing She Does is Magic

This is strange. Sasuke’s head feels like a family of rats moved in and died, and he can’t remember why. He can’t open his eyes, and his stomach has roughly the consistency of toxic waste.

Most strangely of all, he can feel hot, acrid breath on the back of his neck.

Sasuke cracks one eye open, groaning violently. There is a hand in his line of vision. It is a large hand, slightly ruddy with a dust of fair hair along the back of the wrist.


He can barely open his eyes, discovering that they are glued together with mascara. His legs are bare. He doesn’t know why his legs are bare. He also has a terrifying hunch that he isn’t wearing underwear.

“Jesus Tittyfucking Christ,” Naruto mutters.

Use Somebody

The night air was cold against Sasuke’s exposed skin. He was wearing a t-shirt and ripped jeans, which probably wasn’t the smartest idea in the midst of a northeastern October. He could feel the makeup congealing on his eyes, and he wondered if he would regret this tomorrow. But right now, he could hear the band from inside the club and Naruto was discussing music in an animated tone, so everything was okay.

Your Song

“I…I’m going…if I…I’ll…you…end you, you fucking…ngh!”

Sasuke’s hands are clenched into white fists. The color of Naruto’s suit is eye-bleeding, a powder blue that almost doesn’t quite match his eyes and would be more at home in an infant’s bedroom. The top of his head is messy-he still looks like a delinquent twelve-year-old, even after four years of university education. He is also still an insatiable attention whore, as indicated by the throngs of gala attendees gawking at them in shocked silence.

“You’re supposed to say yes, bastard.”

fic, drabble dump, pitch perfect, naruto

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