YAY! Sloan FINALLY updated~

May 15, 2005 20:00

hello everyone (especially kassie) its SLOAN! this is me writing in our live journal/ aren't i cool~ haha lalalala doot doot do do doot doot daaaaaa.... HAHA Well hey babes sorry I haven't written in a while but I am mostly sorry about Kassie boring you with all her stupid entries. HAHA JK~ I love you girlie. I went to the ranch today which is always an adventure, but today was especially exciting. I GOT THROWN/ I haven;t been thrown in almost a year now... how crazy. It was ALLLL Bradley LOVELL'S fault. I was on a horse reading his pointless texts and not paying attention when my horse got spooked and threw me into a bush. haha It was pretty funny. Once I got back on I realized all the cowboys had already ran over to me with a FIRST AID kit. They think I am such a girl. Anywho moving on... I went to an Eastwood party last night which got RAIDED. YES BONES GOT RAIDED AT 11:30! No more crap about the pit and how bones never gets raided. HA It was still fun though. To my girl Kassie: I am always here for you. You are my best friend and you mean the world to me. You don't realize how many people care about you and love ya to pieces. I just wish you would let "HIM" go. He isn't worth your tears anymore. He never really was... remember what we talked about and know that I am a simple call away and I can be there is a heart beat... which is totally possible with the way I drive. OH and by the way great driving skills in MY TRUCK babe~ Well, I have said all there is to say for now. ta ta farewell goodbye :-* XOXO sloan
PS I got Pride Committee ;-)
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