Apr 28, 2005 19:34
okay, this shit is so stupid. first off rob, um why do you care so much about me that you have to go out of you're way and post comments on my lj. and yeah.. i post them on your's to, but only comenting back to something you say, & heyy.. who wouldnt comment back to someone who leaves all theese ridiculous comments on ur lj. yeah. & robb, dont u realize i dont care? & no body else does. & uh, why would i start caring now about what you think, when i didnt care enough about you then for me to cheat on you.. common sence. you're really not suceeding anything, even you're gf and chelsea told you that, who are friends with you, as to the others who don't like you. & here you are telling me, i dont have a life.. umm rob. look in the mirror.