So I thought I start writing in my livejournal again because I seriously have so many thoughts sometimes I just need them to be expressed, put down in some way
so they don't clog up my brain.
Got back from upstate--->Boyfriend's house. Spend a really good weekend which makes me miss him a whole lot. I seriously don't know why I cry whenever we say goodbye it feels like I have to leave someone important to me behind and just take a train back home all alone and sad and just not happy at all.
don't know lately I've been too emotional in this relationship, but its not my fault I mean I just function like this,
Self-control has never been my strong point.
School tomorrow fucking hate that shet so much. Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh
for all the stalkers that do read this LOL umm Im not dumb I have a friends lock on some of my entries so yeahhh the important stuff you'll never get to see unless you add.
anyways thats all I feel like I have to say at the moment, just feel really lonely right now.