buffalo is for lovers

Aug 19, 2004 13:10

we decided that if the choice of where to go to a show ever comes up again the answer is gonna be buffalo (or maybe cleveland) the venue wasn’t that cool cause it had a dumb set up they just blobbed everything together like the brian/teal stages + a signing booth+ the skate ramp were all when you frist walked in there was a massive crowd of people all trying to do somehting differnt and to get to the other side of the venue you had to fight that crowd.

kind hearted strangers and good times lead to short stories:

so we’re driving down the road and all of the sudden trisha goes.. uh jessica…. then -beep beep beep- from the passing suv so i look up … and there’s an ass.
welcome to buffalo.

then going 75 down the interstate the kid rolls down the window and is like “hey girls whats up” uh.. nothing just driving dude. E-78 wanted to be friends.

for seven miles into the park the minivan in front of us held a hanger out of the widow so we just kept saying “what’s up with the hanger” … we get into the park and on the ground there was a business card that said “whats up with the hanger” … just weird.

uh, so there was a human cannonball. this guy got shot out of the cannon flew over our heads and landed in the net behind us but the net crashed to the ground
me: trisha. i cannot believe i saw a man get shot out of a cannon
trisha: i cant believe i saw the net fall.

going into the park it was like bumper to bumper parking traffic… and i see this fun kid in a minivan. he was maybe like 15. and hes singing and rockin out having so much fun.. next thing i know hes at the side of the cavy and i hear “excuse me would you like a sandwich i packed extra sandwiches would you girls like some”

so as we're sitting down in the lawn section near the one stange and this man ... oh god i dont know why they let him sing but he was god awful... acoustic HARD rock? um yeah
"this next song is an irish drinking song that i turned into an anti war song"

if we could take perks buffalo and cleveland and put it all in a pittsburgh venue
there wouldnt be a better show around ... eh home is pretty cool on its own tho

im sure there are other stories and im positive that this could have been written so much better but to be honest i feel poop. coughing + sore throat + tired = me
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