Ten Days Meme: Day Six: Five people who...

Jan 08, 2015 20:50

Day Six: Five people who mean a lot (In no particular order...)

#1. Chris - Pretty obvious I guess. I <3 my fool.

#2. Mum - She’s just…As special as a Mum gets, really. Between both of us being ill it hasn’t exactly been smooth sailing, but she’s always there when it counts.

#3. Chelle - She’s often not the easiest of sisters but her heart is always in a good place and I’ve learned to trust her good sense and pragmatism.

#4. "The Girls" aka my nieces - I think a lot about how they’re getting on, how they behave, things to do/presents to get. Even for someone who has studied Human Growth and Development, I picked up a lot from watching them and how their Mums respond.

#5. Aimee - It seems insane this is the first month in so many that I may not see her due to other things going on, and as the month’s not over that could still all change and may well do knowing us!
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