Nov 19, 2008 09:16
A lot of interesting things in the news today. Maggot therapy seems to be gaining a foothold in medicine. I saw a special about alternative therapies about two years ago, where they filmed firsthand how maggots can help, and nothing speaks quite like video tape. This woman had an open wound as big around as a fist in her abdomen and it was starting to go all rotten. Cutting the decay out wasn't going to work, given the location, so they tried maggots that had been specially prepared. As grossed out as I was, I was amazed at how cleanly and thoroughly they went about their work. The discolored tissues were gone; healthy tissue was all that was left. It convinced me that if I was ever in a position where I needed it, or someone I knew needed it, I would suggest it. They can be used for bed sores, diabetic ulcers, and other wounds, and they can save folks from losing limbs. Sometimes - not always, but sometimes - the old ways are best. The article I read today says that it could get easier to get reimbursement for maggot therapy, which is absolutely good news.