Dec 18, 2007 14:43
Well, I'm so congested that I can't smell or taste. My ears haven't popped yet but when they do, it'll be a relief.
I just got my grade for the class I finished two weeks ago and it's an A-. That's the first A- I've gotten since...2004. It also breaks my running 4.0.
I'm really trying to figure out if I should be upset about that of if, perhaps, it's a good thing. I mean, I worked really hard for that class like I do for all of my classes but it was not my best seminar paper (though I put a lot of work into it, as well). I guess I could try to argue it up but is that really necessary?
Is a 3.977 the end of the fucking world? I mean, I get A's because *I* want them. I set the standard. So am I really going to treat an A- like some kind of failure?
Right now, I don't have the energy to feel much one way or the other. But when I've mended enough, I want to look back at this post before I go off the deep end. It's not an F. It's not a C-, or a B-. An A is an A is an A. No one else expects half as much out of me as I do and let's be honest - I don't always give myself a fair shake.