Jul 22, 2006 18:35
It's 111 degrees in Glendale today (some say higher, some lower), and that shit is not right. That is fucking Palm Springs weather, NOT Glendale weather, and for those of us without central air it is nigh fucking unbearable.
So I think we know what we need to do. Abolish daylight savings time. I don't care what theories say, we are not saving a goddamned bit of electricity as it is; in fact, we are setting records for consumption, much of that because of long, hot days and air conditioning. If you look around, you'll notice that most lights in businesses are on during the day any damned way.
So let's set the clock so that it gets dark early all year round. The people who want more daylight in the summer can get up earlier and and the rest of us can enjoy cooling temperatures as the sun goes down earlier. It is a nice fact of nature that temperatures start to dip when the sun goes down. Not to mention that too much sun exposure, as we know now, can be a bad thing.
So - who's with me?