Feb 24, 2009 08:16
Well, I'm still alive and reading everyone else's posts.
My job now sucks as they are replacing me as the baker, even though I do a fantastic job, because one of the managers niece's (who wanted my job before I even got it) is bored being the cashier and she wants to bake. This girl can't even bake to save her life. She got mad at me for throwing away some of her leftover muffin batter because it looked like liquid vomit (blueberry...ewww) and a few of her muffins because said batter was too liquidy and didn't cook properly and I couldn't even get them out of them pan, and so she went back a day later and threw away a whole tray of muffins that I made that were perfectly good. Well, the head of the cafeteria was not happy because she threw away money. She was banned from the bakery...now all of a sudden she's replacing me casuse she's not happy doing what they have her doing???!!! So not fair. This all means that as soon as I find another job, I'm quitting this one. I have several leads, I just have to sit down and put together a recent resume.
So yeah, other than that, I'm doing well. My husband is leaving for Korea for a year without me between May 1st thru the 5th of this year. We're ok with the seperation, I married him knowing it was a possibility. When he gets back, we're moving to NC because he's being stationed at Pope Air Force Base. I'm excited!!!! I've been begging for him to consider moving there and now he has to!
Well, I have to go and clock into work. Until later!