RP for shadeof_grey

Mar 25, 2007 01:34

Neena finished what little paperwork she had left for tax filing and sat back with a deep sigh. She debated doing her yoga, and had even gone so far as to put on her black yoga pants, but then she changed her mind. She wanted to do something fun. Bea was at Sarah's house and Logan was off doing... whatever it was he did when he wasn't home. She ( Read more... )

house of tm, rp, jean

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shadeof_grey March 30 2007, 06:32:52 UTC
Almost all of this information was new to Jean. It embarrassed her a little -- as long as they had been neighbors. But then, asking Logan about his past was counterproductive, to say the least, and she must have unconsciously lumped Neena in the same category.

She absorbed the information about Irene Merryweather with some surprise, and the first name that she put together with "Providence" and the name of Neena's daughter almost made her choke. She'd only had a brief encounter with the mercenary-turned-do-gooder still known (for some reason) as Deadpool. But you really didn't have to meet a ninja fighter with a Bea-Arthur obsession and apparent Tourette's syndrome more than once for him to stick in your memory.

As Domino went on, though, Jean picked up the name "Nate" and made the proper association. "Ca-- ahh, Nathan Dayspring is your ex?" she asked with some surprise. "He's an. . .interesting guy. I remember the X-men were really keen on figuring out his backstory, for a while, but I don't think anything ever came of it. I guess because his history is all in the future -- that gets a little problematic. Anyway. . ." She winced. "So you know, he and Irene are coming to the party. Not that Tony was thrilled about it, but he couldn't NOT invite them." And Steve, for some reason, actually seemed to get along with Cable.

Responding to the question about Beatrice, Jean said, "Of course, she's still your daughter. I mean, look at the guys and Sally? They chose to be a family, and they're one of the strongest families I've ever met." Mentally, she said, Mutation can take a while to show up, and it's not always predictable. She'll probably have a strong healing factor, which is nice in a kid -- I wish Tommy and Billy did. Plus, well. . .I'm sorry, I don't really know what your mutation is."


kismetandcoffee March 30 2007, 14:01:18 UTC
"Interesting isn't the word I'd use," she rolled her eyes and then let out a soft sigh when Jean informed her that Nate and Irene would be at the party, "Well, the it will be 'interesting' to say the least. I don't think he and Logan will ever see eye to eye. I can't ever figure out if Nate just doesn't like him, or if all their animosity has become about me. Truthfully, he and Nate aren't that different,"

Her eyes made their way back to her hands and she eyed the chocolatini, wishing she had a hand free to polish it off, "You're right. She's a great kid and she's my... OUR kid," Mentally she added, I know. She'd been injury free thus far. Perhaps if something happens to her, then we'll know... not that I want anything to happen. I'd just as soon not ever know, you know what I mean? And she'd be lucky if she ended up with mine. Literally. she sent her, amusedly.

Technically, I have the uncontrollable psionic ability to alter probabilty to my favor. I'm just flat out lucky,


shadeof_grey March 30 2007, 14:54:02 UTC
"I didn't think Nate liked anybody, honestly," said Jean. "He and Irene don't even really seem to get along. Though, you know -- if I got pulled out of my own time frame and knew I could never see my family or friends again, I don't know what I'd be like, either. How do we know who we are without the people who --"

She jerked to her feet and pulled her half manicured hand away from the startled girl.

"Did you see that --?" she asked Dom, staring at a point in the air. A flash of blue.


kismetandcoffee March 30 2007, 14:58:40 UTC
Dom's eyes jerked to Jean and her brows furrowed as she leapt to her feet.

"See... I didn't see anything, Jean. Maybe those chocolatinis were a bit stronger than I thought," she said lightly, but her concern was more than evident on her face, "You alright?"


shadeof_grey March 30 2007, 15:14:12 UTC
"Those!" Jean pointed. "They're still there! How can you not see them?"

Looking at the shocked expressions of the surrounding employees and customers, she suddenly laughed and covered her face. "Stupid me. I guess they're part of the entertainment." Sitting back down, she turned to the manicurist. "That's a neat trick. All those butterflies." To Dom, she said, "How do you think they get them in formation that neatly?"

She had no idea that the reaction of the others was not just to her outburst but to the way in which her skin wa slowly, steadily, beginning to glow.


kismetandcoffee March 30 2007, 15:20:10 UTC
Dom looked up and saw nothing, and shook her head softly, not sure what to say. Didn't she just mention... When she looked back down to her friend, she took a sharp intake of breath, before reaching out to Jean, but not quite touching her.

"Jean? You think maybe we should go outside for a second? You're... um... glowing," Neena wasn't sure what the hell was going on here, but judging by the looks they were starting to get from other patrons and the employees, things were about to get very hectic, very quickly.


shadeof_grey March 30 2007, 15:30:22 UTC
The manicurist across from Jean jumped up from her chair and hid behind the boy who was working on Dom.

Fucking mutant,. Jean heard the girl's thought. Working this close to you freaks, I should get hazard p-

Jean whirled toward the girl and froze her in her tracks, levitating her just slightly into the air. The voice that came from Jean was so deep and loud that she hardly recognized it. "We are here to protect you, we are Avengers, we are vengeance, against the weak and impure."

Jean couldn't see the flames that started to glow out of her skin, but she heard the words that raced through every mind in the room. Mutant. . .Avenger. . .Knew they couldn't be trusted. . .Phoenix, they call her Phoenix. . .I always thought she was the nice one. . .the other one is worse.

Turning to Domino, Jean spoke in her normal voice. "This is an attack. We need to stop it."


kismetandcoffee March 30 2007, 17:02:22 UTC
Domino's violet eyes were wide as Jean telekinetically grabbed the girl and for a second, she wasn't sure what she was going to do. Only a second. Then, instinct took over. She jumped out of her chair and motioned for the man who had been helping her to get out.

"Jean! You have to stop. No one is attacking you!" Dom reached behind her, just to make sure she hadn't left her last ditch effort at home. It was like a Mastercard. Even after all these years, she never left home without it, "Jean, let her go," Her voice was calm, but she knew her mind wasn't anywhere near it. She tried to remember what Nate always taught her to quiet her own mind, but it had been so long...

She turned instead to the people in the salon, "I suggest you folks step outside so I can talk to her alone," Well, almost alone Dom thought quietly as she looked at the girl's terrified face. She didn't even want to know what this girl was thinking.


shadeof_grey March 30 2007, 17:09:07 UTC
Jean dropped the girl, disgusted and turned to Domino.

"You should have heard what she was thinking!"

Crossing her arms, Jean levitated off of the floor and started to turn around, her gaze falling on everyone in the room. "All of you, your thoughts. They are sick, impure. But we will save you anyway. We are avengers. Leave!"

The crowd hastily ran for the doors, leaving Jean alone with Domino, and the butterflies. "What is it, Neena?" her voice boomed. " Why are you angry at us, and not at THEM?" Neena, and the butterflies, and her other self.


kismetandcoffee March 30 2007, 17:26:57 UTC
"I'm not angry at anybody, but I'm about to be if you don't calm the hell down!" She was sure her slight sense of fear was evident in her voice, though she doubted it needed to be considering Jean could pick up on it in a heartbeat. Dom watched out of the corner of her eye as the girl bolted for the door, and when the very frightened and now very angry manicurist turned back around and headed towards the phone, she gritted her teeth and pulled her prized Desert Eagle on the girl.

"If you value your life, you'll get the hell out. NOW!" Now... now she was angry. This wasn't going well at all. Even if this girl didn't call the police, someone was bound to have had a cell phone on them. She tossed an irritated look back to Jean, and watched her very cautiously. She'd never seen her friend like this, and she couldn't figure out for the life of her what had brough this on.

"Alright, Jean. I believe you. I'm sure they were thinking horrible things. They ALWAYS think horrible things! Why was this time different?" Very gently, she reached out to Jean with her mind, hoping that she wasn't going to fry her own brain trying to do so. Quietly, she called out to her. Is it the butterflies?

She remembered a long time ago when she would have to do this with Nate. He'd be so angry at something that had gone wrong or simply mad at the world with no explanation. She was always the one to calm him down. Granted, she was usually distracting him in various... pleasurable ways while doing so, and that tactic pobably wouldn't cut it this time. Though, aumsedly she thought, maybe if Jean wasn't madly in love with Wanda she'd give it a shot.


shadeof_grey March 30 2007, 18:50:13 UTC
"Butterflies?" Jean looked across the white room at Domino. "Now who's talking crazy?"

They sat at a table set for afternoon tea. "Sorry I had to do that. Unfortunately, when you get out of here, neither one of us is going to remember any of this. I'm going to find away to break out, though, for good --" She reached out to pour Domino some tea. "And when that happens, I trust, you're going to help me kill Wanda Maximoff. Because, seriously, you as a soccer mom? Unless that's what you want."

*OOC -- So I figure, in the white hot room, they can have their regular memories. It just doesn't get to affect anything going on outside. Feel free to move back and forth!


kismetandcoffee March 31 2007, 03:45:13 UTC
"Well? I mean, YOU brought it up," Domino blinked at her a few times and looked around the blazing white room and sighed, "So... you care to explain what the hell is going on? Because frankly, Jean... I don't have a fucking clue. And while I appreciate the apology, I'm not sure how I feel about being yanked to... wherever the hell we are without a bit of warning first,"

She wasn't as angry as her words portrayed. She was just very confused and even more concerned.


shadeof_grey March 31 2007, 04:28:09 UTC
"I didn't start this," said Jean. "I'm not the one who brought us here."

Jean looked over the table at Domino. "You understand why this is wrong?"


kismetandcoffee March 31 2007, 04:39:00 UTC
"Well, the whole soccer mom thing WAS kind of a dead giveaway, yeah... and I'm guessing by the whole killing Wanda deal, that she's probably responsible. And by 'being yanked', I actually meant into the middle of a Cream song. You know, White Room?" a irritated sigh escaped her lips and she shook her head.

"So... this is all some elaborate dream thing she concocted? And she thinks I'd make a good mom? Damn, she really is batshit crazy. How are we going to get out of this, Jean?"


shadeof_grey March 31 2007, 05:02:10 UTC
"I used to wonder if Eric Clapton, you know, had this experience. Huh." She shook her head. "I don't think I can keep us here very long, Domino. And when we go back, I don't think we'll remember. Wanda's doing this but -- I think her control is breaking. The Phoenix isn't happy. In just a minute, we'll be back out there and you'll have to talk me down --"

Already, she could feel her grasp on the situation fading.

"For what it's worth, I don't think it's Wanda who wants you to be a mother. I think that you ---"

And then they're back in the store. "Why are you angry at us?"


kismetandcoffee March 31 2007, 05:13:18 UTC

Oh, shit. She remembered a discussion she had with Tony ages ago about the Phoenix. It was short and sweet. Hope you aren't on oppposite sides, to paraphrase what he said.

"I'm not angry at you," She focused on her own thoughts and threw up the psychic barriers Nate had taught her to use so many years ago when they had shared the link. She kenw Phoenix was powerful and could probably tear the walls down like legos, but she couldn't think of what else to do. She wanted to soothe the rage, and she oculdn't do that if she was waging a small inner war of her own, "I want to keep Jean safe. This is not safe. Lashing out at people who have done nothing to harm you, because of their thoughts isn't going to keep Jean from harm. Please... let me talk to her..." Violet pools softened as she pled for her friend. She realized that the Phoenix was focusing on Jean's frustration and anger, and it was all Dom could do to keep herself calm.


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