Jul 29, 2007 19:47
Which is the more exquisite sensation: revenge, relief, or vindication?
Hm. Well, let's take them seperately first, shall we?
Revenge. I imagine everyone is thinking I'll pick revenge, because well, I am known for being kind of a vengeful bitch when I want to be and I've never been ashamed of it. And it's true, revenge IS sweet. Momentarily. You have that feeling of fulfillment, relief and vindication all rolled into one, which is a whole lot of fun while it lasts. It just doesn't last all that long, which really kind of sucks. And then there's the guilt that kicks your ass right after. Yeah, not so great.
Relief is even worse, because it's even more temporary. You get that initial rush of it and then the next worry or problem steps out to squash it.
Vindication however... now that's something I can enjoy. To finally be proven right or have your name cleared or whatever issue your having... to have it resolved in your favor? Fucking beautiful. Damn near perfect sometimes. It comes from all things great and small. Winning a bet, or your mother/father/brother/sister/husband/wife's killer being held accountable for the crimes he's committed? There isn't anything better in this world. Trust me on it.