Challenge 39-Windows

May 16, 2008 22:05

Part One: My Random!

THEME: Windows
DESCRIPTION: Outside of windows, inside windows, any kind of window(s)!

+ You may enter up to 3 icons.
+ Icons may contain brushes, blending, text, tiny text, effects.
+ Icons may not contain animation.
+ Icons are due Friday, May 23 by 11:59, EST ... or you'll turn into a pumpkin.
+ If you have questions, separate them from any icons you submit.
+ Your icons must be new and never seen before.
+ Keep icons PG rated.
+ Entries: 00

Part Two: Your Random!

THEME: Totally Random
DESCRIPTION: You may use anything you want for this icon as a subject. Just whatever you want.

+ You may enter up to 3 icons.
+ Icons may contain brushes, blending, text, tiny text, effects.
+ Icons may not contain animation.
+ Icons are due Frida, May 23 by 11:59, EST ... or you'll turn into a pumpkin.
+ If you have questions, separate them from any icons you submit.
+ Your icons must be new and never seen before.
+ Keep icons PG rated.
+ Entries: 00

ch #39, entries

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