Title: Black Edged Sword
Characters:Dr. Lisa Cuddy
Prompt:#65: Passing #30: Death
Word Count:200
Rating: PG-13 (Death)
Author's Note:Although I do not claim to own anything having to do with the show House this is an original work of mine.
Cuddy locked the door behind her and drew the shades. Privacy was a luxury she had earned and would take advantage of today. Four messages on her answeing machine. She didn't need to play them to be ashamed of herself. Although tears leaked from her eyes, she refused to admit to herself that she was crying.
She lifted her desk blotter and read the letter again. Seeing her mother's address as the sender was a shock in itself, but the notice of her fathers funeral was a physical blow.
She knew her family expected her to be there. It was her responsibility, more important than any job. A tear fell on the notice, staining the date of his passing. She had not seen her family in over three years. She witnessed so many families torn apart by, of all things, blame. She knew the easiest way to deal with tradgey was to lay the burden, the shame, on someone, else.
She was defenseless against her family. She was their scapegoat. She let him die. It happened at every funeral.
She hit erase on the answering machine. Passed the notice through the paper shredder. 'I'm sorry.' she whispered.